Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Syngonium podophyllum ‘Red Heart’ (House Plant)

Arrow-shaped leaves give this house plant its common name of Arrowhead Plant. Syngonium ?Red Heart? produces pink-flushed foliage on creeping stems that will quietly spread in even a shaded spot.

Mint ‘Garden’

The perfect addition to your roast lamb lunch this Mint herb could not be easier to grow, making it ideal for beginners. The Mentha x piperita Peppermint is an aromatic herb, adding a delicious fragrance to your garden and it has a multitude of culinary uses. From mint jelly to adding to new potatoes and

Pansy ‘Frizzle Sizzle’ Mixed

Plant a rainbow of colours and frills that bring your garden to life during late winter and spring. Cheery blooms on compact plants with a hint of pansy scent and incredible flowering performance. Pansy ‘Frizzle Sizzle’ is ideal for brightening up your beds, containers, Flower Pouches® and window boxes. Height and spread: 23cm (9)

Primrose ‘Alaska Appleblossom’

These pretty, Garden Ready primulas can go straight into hanging baskets, troughs, containers and beds where they will light up the drab winter garden with their vivid colours.

Primrose ‘Moonstone Mix’

?Moonstone? is a new, eye-catching variety.

Apple ‘Bramley’s Seedling’

Britain’s best known plum and undoubtedly the nation’s favourite. This reliable British bred garden variety produces heavy crops of egg shaped, medium sized fruits that are ideal for both culinary and dessert use. ‘Victoria’ Plums make delicious pies and jams, or simply eat them straight from the tree in late August.

Wisteria sinensis ‘Prolific’

Wisteria sinensis ‘Prolific’ is a special cottage garden climber, filling the air with its sweet perfume. It is well-named, with a free-flowering habit. ‘Prolific’ produces masses of lilac-blue flowers, much loved by bees. A little less vigorous than other Wisteria species, it reaches a mature height of 9m (28′), and its prolific flowering habit makes

Narcissus ‘Miniature Mixed’

This sunny mix of dwarf narcissus are compact and free flowering – Perfectly proportioned for even the smallest of gardens! Undemanding and easy to grow, they are ideal for borders, rockeries, and containers for a sunny windowsill; or grow them in bold drifts naturalised in grass. The neat trumpets in all shades of yellow make

Hunter I-20 Ultra 6 Pop-up Sprinkler With Stainless Steel Riser

Snowdrop (Giant)

For a snowdrop with big impact, plant this stunning variety. Nothing heralds the coming of spring like snowdrops and Galanthus elwesii is the best for planting as a dry bulb. It also has the biggest blooms – up to 25cm long!

Pansy Matrix™ ‘Daffodil Mixed’

Uniform, mounded plants produce masses of large flowers in sunny shades of yellow, orange, lemon and white from autumn right through to spring.

Saxifraga ‘Dancing Pixies ‘Thea’

Inject late season colour into shady corners with this gorgeous new Japanese woodland saxifrage.

Saxifraga ‘Dancing Pixies Tilda’

Inject late season colour into shady corners with this gorgeous new Japanese woodland saxifrage.

Saxifraga Dancing Pixies Collection

Inject late season colour into shady corners with these gorgeous new Japanese woodland saxifrages.

Monarda ‘Mohawk’

More mildew-resistant than many older varieties, Monarda ‘Mohawk’ bears whorls of mauve-pink flowers, each surrounded by a ruff of darker purple bracts.

Hotbin Mk.2 Composter

The Hotbin Mk. 2 is the second generation of this revolutionary aerobic composting system, producing usable compost in just 30-90 days ? that?s 32 times faster than a traditional compost bin!

Nepeta nervosa

A less well-known catmint, Nepeta nervosa is a superb species that should not be overlooked! Short, dense spikes of unusually dark lilac-blue flowers are produced from midsummer to autumn.

Nepeta x faassenii ‘Kit Kat’

Penstemon ‘Blackbird’

Penstemon ‘Firebird’