Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Garlic ‘Cristo’ (Spring/Autumn Planting)
Stokesia laevis ‘Mel’s Blue’
Strawberry ‘Albion’ (Everbearer/ All Season)

From the latest breeding in ‘ever-bearing’ varieties, Strawberry ‘Albion’ begins cropping in June and continues in flushes until the end of October! Each strawberry plant is capable of producing 450g (1lb) of tasty fruit each year! The heavy crops of mouth-watering, sweet, dark-red berries have an outstanding flavour that remains consistent throughout the summer. Better
Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’

A striking Japanese Maple with graceful arching shoots and a neat, mound forming habit. In autumn, the finely cut, feathery green-red foliage transforms in a blaze of colour to a fiery shade of orange. Japanese Acers are slow growing, making it an ideal focal point for a sheltered position, or an excellent specimen for a