Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Apple ‘Discovery’

Apple ‘Discovery’ is a well known dessert variety with a fine, sweet flavour that brings to mind a hint of strawberries. Although often found in supermarkets, it has a short storage potential of just a couple of weeks, so it is best eaten when picked fresh from the tree.

Plum ‘Marjorie’s Seedling’

Fresh plums don’t store for long, if you want to extend your cropping into in late September, Plum ‘Marjorie’s Seedling’ is for you.

Damson ‘Farleigh Damson’

Farleigh Damsons are superb croppers producing huge yields of small, dusky blue-black fruits in September. The fruits have a sharp flavour that becomes distinctly rich and plummy when cooked. The fruits can be baked in pies or made into delicious jams and wines.

Apple ‘James Grieve’

A superb RHS AGM variety that makes a fantastic cooking apple and a delicious dessert apple too! Harvest the fruits in early September for refreshingly sharp apples that hold their shape well during cooking. A few weeks later the fruits mature, taking on a sweet flavour and soft texture that makes the perfect dessert fruit.

Crab Apple ‘Royalty’

A particularly attractive tree, Crab Apple ‘Royalty’ is unmistakeable for its dark mahogany foliage that turns to scarlet in Autumn. The deep pink springtime apple blossom is followed by dark red fruits that make a fabulous crab apple jelly.

Grape ‘Autumn Royal’

Grape ‘Autumn Royal’ ripens late in the season, producing large and juicy, purple-black fruits. The seedless grapes are thin-skinned with a fabulous sweet flavour that makes this an excellent dessert grape. This modern, Californian-bred variety requires a ????

Grape ‘Muscat Hamburg’

An excellent variety for outdoor cultivation, producing large bunches of aromatic, medium sized fruits with a sweet flavour. The purple fruits of Grape ‘Muscat Hamburg’ make a fine table wine or can be made into juice if sweetened. Like all grapes, the autumn foliage creates a stunning display in red and orange shades.

Grape ‘Phoenix’

Bred in Germany, this white grape hybrid has been selected for its disease resistance and excellent quality fruits. Grape ‘Phoenix’ produces good sized grapes in densely packed bunches.

Apple ‘Red Devil’

As the name suggests, Apple ?Red Devil? yields good crops of bright crimson-red, dessert fruits which have lightly red-stained flesh when ripe. The fruits have a lovely sweet flavour with a slight sharpness and a hint of strawberry. When juiced they produce particularly appealing pink juice.

Apple ‘Gala’

A well known supermarket variety with a prestigious RHS AGM. Apple ?Gala? is a firm favourite for its rich, sweet flavour. The small, thin-skinned fruits make delicious eating apples picked straight from the tree in October. They are also excellent for pressing into a sweet juice that blends nicely with sharper varieties.

Apple ‘Newton Wonder’

A good alternative to the better known ?Bramley? cooking apple. Apple ?Newton Wonder? isn?t quite as sharp in flavour, and less juicy than many cookers, making it ideal for mincemeat recipes and baking, where less moisture is required. The large pale green fruits are flushed red, giving them an attractive appearance.

Gage’ Stella`s Star’

A recent introduction from British breeding. Gage’ Stella`s Star’ produces good crops of mildly flavoured fruits that can be eaten fresh or cooked into pies and jams. The yellow fruits ripen in mid August. This self fertile variety is reliable and particularly productive compared to many other Gages.

Gage ‘Willingham Gage’

A classic English Green Gage, with a first rate flavour! The green fruits have a delicious, sweet flavour that is reminiscent of melons. Gage ‘Willingham Gage’ was selected by the RHS for its superior flavour and good crops.

Peach ‘Stark Saturn’

An unusual variety with flat shaped fruits that are often sold in supermarkets as donut peaches. Despite its novel appearance, Peach ?Stark Saturn? has a good sweet flavour with juicy, white flesh, making it a worthwhile variety for a sunny sheltered position.

Apple ‘Golden Delicious’

Apple ‘Golden Delicious’ is a versatile garden variety for the warmer parts of the UK, which can be used both as a dessert and cooking apple. This easy to grow variety produces good yields of attractive golden-green apples that store well over a long period after harvesting.

Crab Apple ‘Laura’

A well established, popular variety with a compact, upright habit that forms a slow-growing, columnar tree – perfect for confined spaces and smaller gardens. Crab Apple ‘Laura? produces deep pink blossom in spring which contrasts nicely with the bronze tinted, young foliage.

Tulip ‘Whispering Dream’

Wonderful open habit of flowers gives this variety a totally new look. It’s colour changing habit is sure to be a talking point.

Apple ‘Adam’s Pearmain’

Apple ‘Adam’s Pearmain’ is a late dessert variety that can be harvested from mid-October. Dating back to Victorian times, the shapely fruits have a more subtle flavour than many modern varieties. The taste is richly aromatic and nutty, with a crisp, juicy texture.

Apple ‘Red Falstaff’

Crunchy, juicy, red skinned fruit with a well balanced flavour are freely produced on this heavy cropping variety. The delicious dessert apples can be harvested in October and store well for a couple of months.

Apple ‘Limelight’

Rich and juicy dessert apples with lovely pale yellow-green skins are produced in abundance. This heavy cropping variety has a refreshing, crisp texture. Apple ?Limelight? is easy to grow with a neat, compact habit and superb disease resistance.