Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Lobelia speciosa Fan Burgundy

This magnificent hardy perennial makes a fabulous addition to hot-coloured borders, bog gardens or pondside planting.

Lychnis Alpina

A lovely addition to rockeries, alpine troughs and stone walls, Lychnis alpina is a charming compact perennial producing rounded clusters of rose-pink flowers in spring.

Arabis caucasica ‘Rosea’

This resilient evergreen alpine forms soft mounding cushions of grey-green foliage which will tumble over walls, rockeries and slopes and along border edges.

Veronica Umbrosa Georgia Blue

Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi ‘Old Gold’

Distinctive from other varieties of rock cress which have plain green leaves, Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi ‘Old Gold’ has striking variegated foliage

Leptinella squalida ‘Platt’s Black’

Forming a low mat of striking bronze fern-like foliage, Leptinella squalida ‘Platt’s Black’ is ideal for groundcover, edging paths and underplanting shrubs and roses.

Arenaria montana

This evergreen perennial forms dense cushions of finely textured leaves

Linum perenne Blue

Perennial flax is a beautiful plant bearing masses of satiny, saucer-shaped blooms in a stunning shade of sky blue atop wiry stems.

Aubretia gracilis ‘Kitte Blue’

Aubrieta ?Kitte Blue? provides a bold spring display, creating sweeping drifts of rich blue-purple flowers held above cushiony mounds of evergreen leaves.

Alstroemeria ‘New Tree Everest Mix’

Alstroemeria ‘New Tree Everest Mix’ is an exotic-looking blend of Peruvian Lilies ? specially selected for their height and stature! These tall, hardy perennials produce long stems of tropical blooms that form a vibrant column of colour throughout the summer.

Golden Yellow Tones Colour Collection

Comprising six stunning and versatile perennials chosen for their eye-catching golden or variegated foliage or bright yellow blooms, this beautifully harmonising collection of golden-themed perennials is sure to brighten any border, container, rockery or herb garden.

Blues Colour Collection

Comprising six reliable and versatile perennials and making use of both flowers and foliage, this beautifully harmonising collection of blue, purple and silver-themed plants will bring a calming and elegant feel to borders and containers.

Gladiolus ‘Tutti Frutti Mix’

Add some citrus zing to sunny borders with Gladiolus ‘Tutti Frutti Mix’. This bright blend of yellow and orange make a refreshingly different display, with large flowers that crowd their upright stems.

Delphinium Magic Fountain Sky Blue

Carex Comans Bronze

Carex comans ‘Bronze’ forms low, dense, mounds of fine foliage in a beautiful bronze shade, the arching leaves cascading like a fountain.

Knautia Macedonica Mars Midget

This cultivar of Knautia macedonica has all the best attributesĀ  of its relative but in a smaller, more manageable package.

Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Emily Mckenzie’

Crocosmias are invaluable for late summer colour, but they also provide all-season foliage interest with their upright, sword-shaped leaves

Fruit Summer Strawberry Trio

With this superb trio of top varieties, chosen for their outstanding qualities and range of fruiting times to carry you through the whole summer, you can enjoy a better harvest than ever before.

Nurserymans Choice Pre-Planted Hanging Basket

For hassle-free gardening, look no further than our pre-planted baskets for easy summer-long colour.

Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’

The beautiful pale orange flowers of the ‘Totally Tangerine’ Geum bloom right through from early summer to autumn. You can always rely on the generous flowering Geum to produce a stunning display of warm orange flowers. ‘Totally Tangerine’ make great cut flowers for indoor displays. Height: 60cm (24). Spread: 45cm (18).