Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Petunia grandiflora ‘Peppermint Vein’

Lupin ‘Tequila Flame’

Beetroot ‘Chioggia Striped’

Kolkwitzia amabilis ‘Pink Cloud’

Very much a well-known and well-liked deciduous shrub, Kolkwitzia amabilis ‘Pink Cloud’ is a stunning vision of beauty – so much so it’s widely called ‘Beauty Bush’. From May to June its arching stems are populated with masses of pale pink, trumpet-shaped blooms – complimented by its dark green foliage. As the flowers fade, the

Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’

Dicentra spectabilis ?Gold Heart? is an unusual golden-yellow leaved, clump-forming perennial, producing fleshy, arched stems that bear racemes of pink and white heart-shaped flowers in mid to late spring.

Lupin ‘Red Rum’

Lupin ‘King Canute’

Lupin ‘Gladiator’

Summer Bedding Mix

Enjoy our bedding and basket mix guaranteed to add colour to your garden this summer! In this collection you will receive a mixture of 5 different varieties, each of them are customer favourites that we know you’ll be more than happy to plant out in your beds, borders, baskets and patio containers. We’re confident that

Geranium ‘Zonal’ Mix

With a magnificent blend of colours, this Geranium Mix is a must-have for any garden this Summer. A drought tolerant variety, these plants will add colour and interest to your beds, borders and container displays. Varieties include: Savannah and Pelegardini

Strawberry ‘Gasana’

Fragaria ananassa ‘Gasana’ is a stunning variety of strawberry which is both ornamental and edible, combining showy pink bloomed flowers with delicious juicy and sweet fruit

Weigela Towers of Flowers® ‘Cherry’

Weigela Towers of Flowers® ?Cherry’ is a showy new variety with a versatile, columnar habit

Lupin ‘Beefeater’

Salad Leaves ‘Oriental Mix’

Hedging Saver Collection

Hedges provide security, create boundaries and provide food and shelter for wildlife

Hebe rakaiensis

Hebe rakaiensis has a wonderful rounded habit that forms a low, dense cushion of glossy green foliage. This hardy evergreen shrub is topped with a covering of short, white flower spikes from early summer, which always attract pollinating insects.

Asparagus setaceus (House Plant)

An attractive indoor fern with soft, feathery foliage, Asparagus setaceus sits beautifully within any contemporary or modern interior

Nurserymans Choice Alstroemeria

The ?Everest? Series of Peruvian Lilies are well named for their awe-inspiring height! These long-stemmed Alstroemeria are so vigorous that they are best grown against a climbing frame or similar support.

Ribes sanguineum ‘King Edward Vii’

Strong, hardy and reliable, this Flowering Currant is a deciduous shrub that is worth planting for its pleasant spring colour.

Aloe ‘Safari Sunrise’

Aloes are most commonly found on a sunny windowsill in the UK, but this new variety makes a fabulous patio plant. The spikey, dark green foliage forms a rounded, evergreen clump, providing excellent year round interest.