Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Clematis ‘Fragrant Oberon’
Powerfully and sweetly perfumed, the pretty satin flowers of Clematis ‘Fragrant Oberon’ are lemon-white with a hint of green, and look stunning set against the dark foliage of this evergreen clematis. This compact climber is perfect for growing in patio containers or tumbling over low walls. Although hardy to around -7ºC (20°F), this variety will
Clematis montana ‘Sunrise’
Mahonia ‘Soft Caress’
Mahonia are spectacular shrubs with a useful autumn flowering period, but they can be a bit of a pig thanks to their painful spikes. The difference with ‘Soft Caress’ is it’s the first one to have spine-free leaves, so can be planted near to paths or doorways where you may brush past them. The fragrance