Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Griselinia littoralis (Hedging)

Fast growing and evergreen, the New Zealand Broadleaf is an ideal hedging plant. Its oval shaped leaves are generally pest free and so will keep a neat and tidy appearance all year around.

Water Lily Red with Pond Basket

Pond planting has never been easier! This elegant red Water lily comes with its own sturdy planting basket.

Lily ‘Roselily’ Collection

The Roselily brand of Oriental Lilies are so called for their fully double blooms which boast so many petals that they resemble Roses when they begin to open. These luxuriant Lilies are heavily scented, but completely pollen free, so they?re perfectly safe for cats and won?t stain your clothes and fingers.

Phlox subulata ‘Red Wings’

A classic creeping Phlox, perfect for edging pathways, growing in rockeries or gravel gardens as well as filling spaces at the front of a border.

Thunbergia alata ‘Sunny Susy Rose Sensation’

Surely the loveliest of the ?Sunny Susy? range, this pink flowered Black Eyed Susan makes an exotic looking climber! Its hairy leaves and twining stems will quickly cover and obelisk or trellis, bringing height and structure to your planting scheme.

Begonia elatior ‘Valentino Pink’

Prolific with striking double bicolour blooms throughout the summer season, Begonia elatior ?Valentino Pink? effortlessly perks up a shady patio, window box or hanging basket with a vibrant splash of colour.

Dahlia ‘Dinner Plate’ Collection

Anthurium Aqua Salmon in Sierglass (House Plant)

Simple and stylish, this elegant Anthurium comes in a clear glass vase, allowing you to admire its twining network of roots. This eye-catching soiless display makes a fascinating focal point that captures the latest trend for hydroponic house plants.

Cyclamen Nurseryman’s Choice

Philotheca myoporoides

Both the blooms and the foliage of Eriostemon myoporoides have a fresh, zesty fragrance which could easily be described as gin and tonic scented! This half hardy shrub is blooms in winter and spring with delicate star-shaped flowers above a bushy mound of linear evergreen foliage. Also known as wax flower, it?s long been a

Clematis cirrhosa var. purpurascens ‘Freckles’

This eye-catching evergreen clematis gives a much needed injection of colour to the winter garden, when few other plants dare to bloom. This is the earliest of the spring flowering clematis, with cup-shaped pink blooms freckled with maroon-red markings, to give this plant it’s name. The delicate blooms are followed by attractive fluffy seedheads that

Dahlia ‘Akita’

Burnt orange petals with red and yellow highlights form the large blooms of fiery Dahlia ‘Akita’. The long lasting flowers of this decorative variety stand tall on sturdy stems throughout summer and continue well into autumn. Growing to a manageable height of 1 metre, this dahlia is ideal to fill throughout sunny borders or add

Alstroemeria ‘Summer Snow’

This recent introduction is a particularly hardy variety with a true ?free-flowering? habit! Alstroemeria ?Summer Snow? forms a dense clump of lush green foliage that contrasts perfectly with its bright, snow white blooms.

Dahlia ‘Ferncliff Illusion’ (Giant Tree Dahlias)

Ferncliff Illusion’ stands straight and grows over 5ft tall! These beautiful specimens flower in spectacular fashion, bursting open to reveal double white blooms with delicately blushed pink petal tips. These hardy dahlias flower from July to October and will repeat their stunning displays year after year.

Blueberry ‘Pink Lemonade’

Who said that Blueberries are always blue? Blueberry ?Pink Lemonade? breaks all the rules, producing generous crops of deep pink berries with a delicious, sweet flavour. The pale pink, spring flowers make an attractive display against a backdrop of rich green foliage.

Crocus ‘Pickwick’

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Florentina’

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Florentina’ boasts double pink flowers borne in dense clusters, producing a characteristically firm flower head

Ligustrum ovalifolium

One of the most traditional hedging choices in the UK, Privet deserves its popularity. It is easy to grow, fast growing and easy to keep in good shape. It grows happily in sun or deep shade, tolerates drought and pollution and is usually untroubled by pests and diseases. Ligustrum ovalifolium has small green leaves and

Phlox ‘McDaniels Cushion’

A colourful ground cover for a sunny spot, Phlox ‘McDaniels Cushion’ is a classic mat-forming variety with fresh green foliage which is covered in dainty purple flowers from late spring onwards. Enjoying a free-draining soil, this creeping phlox looks most at in a rockery or gravel garden.

Abies nordmanniana

Abies nordmanniana makes a large, conical specimen with a majestic presence in the landscape. Commonly known as the Normann Fir, it is best known for its traditional use as a Christmas tree, with particularly long lasting needles.