Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Camellia japonica ‘Bonomiana’

Accent your spring garden with the striking and unusual pink-streaked double flowers of Camellia japonica ‘Bonomiana?. Blooming from mid to late spring, you can enjoy bloom after bloom, each with their own unique markings.

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Camilla’

This striking two-tone variety makes a wonderful focal point. The bicolour mophead blooms of Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Camilla’ are deep pink, edged with broad white margins when grown in alkaline soils.

Aeonium arboreum ‘Atropurpureum’ (House plant)

This fascinating shrubby succulent makes an intriguing choice for a warm, bright spot in your home. The dark, fleshy leaved rosettes are borne at the tips of the branching, woody stems making a fantastic architectural display.

Dahlia ‘Badger Twinkle’

Cactus-style dahlias offer curvaceous, spiky, fully double blooms, that are perfect for cutting.

Strawberry ‘Framberry’

A breakthrough in soft fruit breeding has resulted in this fabulous Strawberry ?Framberry? – if you like strawberries and raspberries, you?ll love this clever combination of the two!

Laurus nobilis ‘Bay Junior’ (Standard)

Laurus nobilis ?Bay Junior? (Standard) will give you that formal feel to any entrance to your home planted either side of your door. They can add to beds and borders structure during the winter as they are evergreen.

Orchid Drip Feeder

Feeding your Orchid plants couldn?t be easier with this ?ready to use? drip feeder! Application couldn?t be simpler.

Begonia x tuberhybrida ‘Camelia’

Exquisite deep rose blooms, edged with a delicate white margin are borne in profusion throughout the summer, lasting well into autumn.This sensational tuberous Begonia makes a breath-taking focal point in patio pots.

Hellebore ‘Double Ellen White’

Highlight your early-spring garden with the chic white double blooms of reliable perennial, Hellebore ?Double Ellen White?. Thriving in sun or partial shade, this plant is suitable for planting all around the garden, but looks most at home in the dappled shade of trees and shrubs.

Winter Squash ‘Potatoes Duo’ – seeds

This tasty duo of winter Squash produce excellent crops of tasty Acorn type fruits, each weighing up to 700g. These prolific plants produce attractive fruits with smooth skins and pale flesh. The fruits can be baked, roasted or added to soups as a low calorie, high fibre alternative to the traditional spud.

Hellebore argutifolius

Accent your garden with the refreshing green tones of Hellebore argutifolius. Its tall, upright stems provide interest at a height in garden borders or large container displays, displaying generous clusters of pale green blooms which emerge in late winter and remain looking fresh through spring.

Hellebore ‘Silver Star’

Pale, apple-green, star-shaped flowers will sparkle in the depths of winter, when most of the garden is dormant

Hellebore ‘Silver Lace’

This Corsican Hellebore is a distinctive perennial with silver-frosted foliage and sharply-toothed leaf edges similar to Holly. This is a majestic variety, growing up to 60cm (24?) tall and flowering freely in winter and early spring when few other plants dare to brave the cold!

Hellebore ‘Green Marble’

Subtle and sophisticated flowers in a cool shade of pale green emerge from the middle of winter onwards, lasting through most if the spring

Tillandsia melanocrater tricolor (House Plant)

This air plant adds an exotic twist to any home interior as a spark-like tuft of narrow silver-green leaves. Tillandsia melanocrater tricolor is a simple but intriguing small evergreen plant which looks good all year round.

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bela Collection’

These low growing dwarf Hydrangeas are perfect for filling patio pots! The rounded, mop head flowers are produced from July through to September in fabulous shades of rosy-red and blue.

Peony ‘White Cap’

The lavish, bicolour blooms of Peony ‘White Cap’ are simply astonishing!Bold, beetroot-red guard petals surround a ruff of ivory petals at the centre of each bloom, creating a dramatic contrast.

Lagerstroemia indica ‘Berry Dazzle’

From the American bred ?Razzle Dazzle? series, this flamboyant Crepe Myrtle makes a sensational summer display.This low, rounded, deciduous shrub is smothered with bright, tropical pink flowers throughout the summer that virtually cover the purple-green foliage.

Rhododendron ‘Orange King’

The glowing blooms of Rhododendron ‘Orange King’ are delicately freckled with orange-red markings. The bright blooms are borne in May, standing out nicely from the glossy, dark green foliage.

Ligustrum vulgare

Ligustrum vulgare can be used as a specimen shrub or grown together as a semi evergreen dense hedge