Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Hardy ‘Garden Cactus’
Verbena bonariensis ‘Royal Dreams’
Asparagus ‘Gijnlim’ (Spring Planting)
Premium Patio Standard Collection
Tulip ‘Ice Cream Yellow’
Chaenomeles x superba ‘Crimson and Gold’

The glorious flowers of this Japonica are a joy to behold, as they create an eye-catching display of colour early in the spring, when much of the garden is still in its winter dormancy. Chaenomeles x superba ‘Crimson and Gold’ is a mass of bright red blooms, each with contrasting golden anthers, attractive to pollinating
Muscari ‘Pink Sunrise’
Muscari River Collection
Vinca minor ‘Bowles’s Variety’
Polyanthus ‘Inara Flame’

A bright splash of colour for spring beds and borders! Polyanthus ?Inara Flame? produces a fine display of golden flowers, each with an irregular, orange-red picotee edge. The vibrant blooms are borne on sturdy stems above a neat rosette of dark, evergreen foliage which makes superb, year-round ground cover.
Primrose ‘Arizona Bicolor’ (Pre-Planted)
Heuchera ‘Chocolate Ruffles’

Heuchera ‘Chocolate Ruffles’ has decadent mounds of richly chocolate-coloured foliage and contrasting burgundy undersides for a stunning display. Like all Heuchera, this eye-catching evergreen perennial provides superb year round colour in your garden. Heuchera are especially useful for containers or less than perfect soil, having better drought resistance than more traditional cultivars. Ideal for creating ground cover in
Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’

Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ bears large pink-mauve flowers with red-purple anthers in abundance from July to September. A versatile, late-flowering variety, it tolerates almost any position ? from shady, north-facing walls to bright, sunny spots ? although a position in full sun can cause the flowers to fade to a softer shade of pink. With its
Lilac ‘Mrs Edward Harding’

Syringa is a cottage garden ‘must have? and Lilac ‘Mrs Edward Harding’ is a particularly choice variety. Showy panicles of double flowers with a deliciously sweet fragrance are produced in May and June. The red-purple blooms gradually fade to deep pink as they age, against a backdrop of attractive heart shaped foliage. This compact variety
Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’

Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’ is a recent introduction with a powerful sweet fragrance that will stop you in your tracks. The glossy, dark green foliage is larger than most varieties and makes a handsome contrast to the spidery white blooms, which are followed by shiny red berries that ripen to black.
Lilac ‘Paul Thirion’

Dark purple-red buds open to reveal double, rose-pink flowers with a heady perfume from May to June. Lilac ‘Paul Thirion’ is a compact lilac with an upright habit. The well branched stems are cloaked in a dense covering of heart shaped foliage, making this a superb screening shrub or background plant for the back of