Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Fruiting Orange Bush

Citrus trees make excellent long-lasting house plants or a fabulous fragrant gift. When you give an orange or a lemon tree as a present, you?re giving a decorative, scented and productive plant!

Alyssum ‘Alice Golf Mixed’

A lovely mix two varieties, ?Golf and ?Alice?! Alyssum ?Golf? provides the gentle tones of white, lilac and pale mauve, while ?Alice? offers contrast with its dazzling white blooms. The sweetly fragrant flowers are borne in profusion throughout the summer months, above small, grey-green leaves.

Agapanthus ‘Full Moon’

Agapanthus are perfect for adding structure and colour to borders in summer. Their upright stems and rounded flower heads rise above clumps of strappy, dark green foliage.

Mr Happy Mug

A fabulous mug to give as a gift or keep for yourself! This fun Mr Happy mug is great for all ages and comes with the phrase ‘find your happy place’. You?re bound to see some big smiles with this happy mug!.

Everlasting Perennial Collection 20 Plants

Put the winter blues behind you and look forward to a summer garden brimming with bright and cheerful blooms! This top quality collection of herbaceous perennials will fill your garden with colour from June to September and for many years to come. Supplied as bareroots. Collection will include the following varieties and quantities: 6 x

Calamintha nepeta ‘Marvelette Blue’

A magnet for bees and butterflies, Calamintha nepeta ‘Marvelette Blue’ is a garden marvel! This hardy perennial sends up airy spikes of purple-blue flowers above aromatic, mint-scented foliage. Early to bloom, with a compact, bushy habit.

Buddleja davidii Tricolour

Our growers have produced this showy Buddleja by growing three young plants together. As they grow they will combine together as one large Butterfly Bush with three different coloured blooms.

Summer Flowers Theme Yellow Scatter Pack

A delightful mixture of yellow flowering annuals that will add colour and variety to borders. The wide range of varieties includes favourites such as cosmos, nigella, rudbeckia and caledula, which have been selected to flower gradually over the summer months to give your flower displays and ever changing appearance.

Spring Flowering Bulb Collection

A great value collection of 150 spring bulbs that will bring wonderful colour to your garden to chase the winter greys away. This collection includes Ornithogalum nutans (Star of Bethlehem), Muscari armeniacum, Brodiaea ‘Queen Fabiola’, Allium moly, Oxalis ‘Iron Cross’ and Anemone ‘De Caen’.

Tree Peony ‘Ruby’

Tree Peony ?Ruby? will certainly stand out from the border with its exotic looks. Sumptuous purple-pink, double blooms contrast nicely with the handsome, bright green foliage. This hardy, deciduous shrub will last for many years, forming a bushy, well branched specimen over time.

Rose Home Florist Timeless Collection

Four new award winning varieties which have been selected for their disease resistance, fragrance and suitability for use as cut flowers. Perfect for growing in borders or tubs on the patio where they will exude a heady perfume from bud burst to petal fall.

Shallot ‘Hermine’

Shallot ‘Hermine’ is the first white skinned and white fleshed French shallot we?ve seen! The dark green shoots contrast well with the developing white bulbs, forming a clump of 6-8 rounded bulbs on maturity.

Allium Duo Collection

Upright stems add a strong vertical accent to cottage garden borders. These magnificent allium bulbs produce an explosion of colour, followed by architectural seedheads that create a spectacular autumn display. Undemanding and easy to grow, these magnificent allium flowers are also excellent for cutting.

Allium Cut Flower Collection

An astonishing display of late spring flowering alliums is guaranteed with this mixture of varieties, ideal for drifting amongst shrubs in your border, or as a feature in their own right in patio containers.Collections contain a mixture of Allium ?Purple Sensation?Allium ?Violet Beauty?Allium aflatuenseAllium christophiiAllium azureum. Height: 90cm (36?). Spread: 10cm (4?)

Daphne gemmata ‘Royal Crown’

This rare and sought after deciduous shrub of compact habit originates from China. The glossy green leaves and clusters of pretty yellow flowers make a stunning show on the patio. Blooming from late spring to summer, the yellow flowers are sought after by bees and are followed by red berries in autumn.

Jasminum officinale

The twining stems of the common Jasmine are absolutely perfect for quickly covering an unsightly wall or outbuilding with its dense green foliage. Ideal for growing over a pergola or large obelisk too, Jasmine officinale also boasts an abundance of dainty, white, star shaped flowers that give off the famed scent.

Kerria japonica ‘Golden Guinea’

Easy to grow deciduous shrub, which is ideal for beginners, small gardens or traditional cottage garden borders. Also known as the Japanese Rose, Kerria is elegant, spreading and offers simple, gleaming blooms in golden-yellow.

Raspberry ‘Yummy’

A new dwarf, compact variety perfect for growing on the patio. Raspberry ‘Yummy’ is very easy to grow and produces fruit in the first year, so you can enjoy delicious berries that crop throughout the summer months.

Tamarix tetrandra

Originally from the Netherlands, Tamarix tetandra is a medium sized deciduous shrub or small tree with little green leaves, rather like needles. One of the most appealing aspects of this delightful shrub is its versatility. It will easily resist the worst of the British winter weather. It has also earned the prestigious Award of Garden

Agapanthus Duo Collection

This magnificent mix combines blue Agapanthus ‘Flower of love? and the first ever bicolour Agapanthus ‘Twister’ for a striking two tone display