Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Rhododendron ‘Molten Gold’
Rhododendron fastigiatum ‘Blue Steel’

This dwarf hybrid is extremely compact – ideal for even the smallest gardens! Rhododendron fastigiatum ‘Blue Steel’ bears deep purple flowers in April above its dark evergreen foliage. The leathery leaves of this dwarf hybrid are particularly attractive with a silvery-blue sheen to their upper surface.
Rhododendron ‘Tit-willow’ (Azalea Group)
Rhododendron ‘Vuyk’s Scarlet’ (Azalea Group)
Rhododendron ‘Ramapo’
Rhododendron ‘Cowslip’
Rhododendron ‘Johanna’ (Azalea Group)
Rhododendron ‘Dearest’ (Hyde) (Azalea Group)
Palma Violet Pre-Planted Basket
Rhododendron ‘Flower Arranger’ (Hyde) (Azalea Group)
Rhododendron ‘Geisha Orange’ (Azalea Group)

Azalea Geisha Orange (Dwarf Rhododendron) is a compact hardy evergreen that produces bursts of colourful orange flowers throughout May and June. As with all azaleas it prefers a shallow planting hole and ericaceous soil but as a dwarf variety it will happily reside in a container on a patio in sun or semi-shade. It makes