Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’

Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’, also known as Tosa Spirea, is an RHS Award of Garden Merit variety. It produces a mound of dark-green foliage that is topped with small, white flowers from March. This display resembles, as its name suggests, a snow-topped mound. You won’t be disappointed by this lovely, deciduous shrub. Height & Spread: 2.5m

Viburnum x globosum ‘Jermyns Globe’

Viburnum globosum ‘Jermyn’s Globe’ makes a bushy, evergreen shrub or small tree for the garden. This rounded shrub bears panicles of fragrant white blooms that emerge from pink buds in spring, contrasting well with the glossy evergreen foliage.

Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’

Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’ produces clumps of pink buds which open to reveal softly fragranced white flowers in November and continue all the way through until May, adding much-needed winter colour to your garden. This thick, globular evergreen shrub has a bushy habit and bears blue-black fruits after flowering above a backdrop of deep green foliage.

Weigela florida ‘Minor Black’

Weigela florida ‘Minor Black’ is a small and neat variety of this popular garden shrub. It’s compact habit makes it ideal for planting in containers and raised beds on patio and decking, or as a deciduous shrub for borders in small and medium sized gardens.

Lupin ‘Avalune Mixed’

An easy to grow annual lupin that flowers just 12 weeks after sowing. Short flower spikes have a sweet pea-like fragrance. Perfectly suited to growing at the front of borders in large patio containers.

Viola ‘Bunny Ears’

Cheeky little violas that retain that classic pansy face beneath unsually long ‘rabbit ear? top petals. The compact plants are perfect for smaller containers or planting pockets in rockeries and borders ? you can even sow them in cracks in walls and paving. Height 20cm (8in).

Pansy ‘Black Moon’ F1 Hybrid

You may have heard this claim before, but this Pansy truly represents one of the most impressive black flowers in cultivation today. Bushy, compact plants bearing medium sized flowers, so black they shine like velvet. Height: 15-20cm (6-8 in).

Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’

An award winning variety of Viburnum, given a prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit for its outstanding large, wide-spreading habit of tiered branches, covered in dark green ovate leaves which turn purple in autumn.

Clarkia ‘Pastel Posies Mixed’

Possibly one of the easiest hardy annuals to sow and grow. Fill whole beds with this mix or simply drop a fewseeds in gaps between other plants and nature will do the rest for you! Height 30cm (12in).

Broad Bean ‘Oscar’

A favourite with commercial growers as the smallest seeded broad bean. The flavoursome beans are the best option for freezer storage, being far less prone to discolouring than larger varieties. We recommend growing Broad Bean ‘Oscar? alongside Marrowfat Pea.

Cauliflower ‘Boris’ F1 Hybrid

This really is a gardener-friendly variety. Vigorous root systems support healthy plant growth and erect foliage formation for a tidy, manageable crop. Cauliflower Boris F1 will grow in any soil type and will withstand whatever the British weather can throw at it – rain or shine.

Tamarix ramosissima ‘Hulsdonk White’

Originally from the Netherlands, Tamarix ramosissima ‘Hulsdonk White’ is a tall deciduous shrub or small tree with little green leaves, rather like needles. One of the most appealing aspects of this delightful shrub is its versatility. It will easily resist the worst of the British winter weather and is to be found listed on the

Pea ‘Eddy’

Pea Eddy is perfect for a late harvest. Highly resistant to powdery mildew, remaining problem-free well into November. Also sow in spring for summer crops of long, slightly curved, pointed pods.

Lilac ‘Bloomerang Dark Purple’

Enjoy the flowers and fragrance of lilac for months! Most lilac bushes bloom for just a few weeks in spring ? but Lilac ‘Bloomerang Dark Purple’ flowers from spring to summer, and again from late summer to the first frosts, taking just a short break during the hottest weeks of the summer.

Viburnum lantana ‘Mohican’

Viburnum lantana ‘Mohican’ is a stunning ornamental shrub that showcases its three different fruit colours all at the same time!

Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’

With a growth rate of only 1 or two inches a year (3 – 5 cm), this dwarfing Norway spruce is in no hurry to reach its full size, making it perfect for alpine gardens and rockeries where it will slowly spread.

Peony ‘Border Charm’

Lightly fragrant, semi-double blooms of the palest yellow are splashed with coral at the base of each petal. Peony ‘Border Charm’ is an eye-catching intersectional hybrid – a cross which marries the exotic looks of tree peonies with the herbaceous growth habit of herbaceous peonies, and often called an Itoh Peony.

Picea abies ‘Wills Zwerg’

Picea abies ‘Wills Zwerg’ is an evergreen, dwarf spruce with a classic conifer tree shape that looks fantastic planted in a rockery or alpine garden. It is a real slow grower and takes decades to reach its full height of 3 metres, as it only grows roughly 2 inches (5cm) per year. In the festive

Spiraea x cinerea ‘Grefsheim’

It is obvious why Spiraea x cinerea ‘Grefsheim’ has been awarded the coveted RHS AGM! This deciduous shrub is simply amazing in late April and early May, when the ‘Bridal Wreath’ Spirea is covered in a mass of white flowers. They are set off against a backdrop of grey-green leaves and the stems adopt a

Sambucus nigra ‘Golden Tower’

For a bright column of colour in your garden, look no further than Sambucus nigra ‘Golden Tower’. This unusual variety will quickly grow straight up, without the usual branching out habit of other Elderberries, forming a tall and relatively narrow deciduous shrub.