Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Rose ‘Kimono’

A perfect cut flower specimen, Rose ‘Kimono’ will not only brighten up your home indoors in a floral arrangement, it will also add cheerful colour to your garden too. This hardy, Hybrid Tea Rose bears gorgeous double pink roses right through until the first frosts and will need very little maintenance at all.

Hydrangea arborescens ‘Pink Annabelle’

When you thought Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’ couldn’t get any better, she has! Now in pink, H. arborescens ‘Pink Annabelle’ is a stunning, reliable new variety with stems that remain upright in all weather conditions and are strong enough to bear the large blooms, which have a diameter of up to 30cm.

Mahonia confusa ‘Nara Hiri’

Hydrangea arborescens ‘Strong Annabelle’

As its name suggests, Hydrangea arborescens ‘Strong Annabelle’ is a sturdier cultivar of the well loved ‘Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’. The enormous, rounded heads of white florets stand proud on the strong stems of this deciduous shrub, even in exposed positions. Unlike many Hydrangea arborescens varieties, this well branched Hydrangea rarely flops due to its well branched,

Umbrella Bamboo

The Umbrella Bamboo can reach more than 2 metres tall, and quickly forms clumps of arching yellow-green canes, topped with foliage like an umbrella! This hardy bamboo is excellent for screening, and is especially useful in urban areas, where the screening can help reduce road noise and filter pollution. Bamboo are fantastically tropical looking, but

Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum ‘Popcorn’

Deeply veined, dark green, leathery leaves, characteristic of this variety of Viburnum, are densely packed on this hardy deciduous shrub, making it very tough and usually quite vigorous. Viburnum plicatum f.

Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alba Superba’

This elegant deciduous Magnolia has remained extremely popular over the years. Large, fragrant, white goblet-shaped blooms emerge flushed with purple-red, just as the dark green foliage begins to unfurl. Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alba Superba’ creates an iconic spring display that is often seen in gardens throughout the UK.

Potentilla fruticosa ‘Pink Beauty’

A versatile shrub that will be at home in sunny borders, rockeries, wildlife gardens or as a compact low hedge, ‘Pink Beauty’ Shrubby Cinquefoil earns it’s keep admirably. If you plant a group of them together they will form tough, resilient ground cover that will tolerate drought as well as giving a display of charming,

Viburnum trilobum ‘Wentworth’

The American Cranberry, as it is often called, produces masses of flowers in summer which later bear the fruit for which it is well known.

Agapanthus ‘Bluestorm’

The flamboyant Agapanthus ‘Bluestorm’ is a neat and compact African Lily cultivar which reaches just 76cm (30), boasting more stems than traditional varieties and blooming through the summer for up to 3 weeks longer. The mass of soft violet flowers atop upright stems makes this a great cut flower too. The strap-like, semi evergreen foliage

Berberis thunbergii ‘Tiny Gold’

Bright yellow-green foliage adorns this miniscule deciduous shrub in spring, gradually fading to lime green by summer. Growing to only 50cm (20), Berberis thunbergii ‘Tiny Gold’ is perfect for small gardens, at the front of borders or grown in patio containers where the foliage adds contrast. This Japanese Barberry has brilliant autumn colour with the

Buddleja ‘Silver Anniversary’

This extraordinary cultivar boasts silvery foliage with a woolly texture that literally gleams in the sunshine.

Aesculus x mutabilis ‘Induta’

Berberis x media ‘Red Jewel’

Berberis x media ‘Red Jewel’ could just as easily have been christened ‘Rainbow’, for its semi-evergreen, bronze-red foliage turns a green colour, followed by a dark purple, as the season progresses. The hardy shrub’s changing palette is complemented by pastel yellow flowers in the spring and vivid, red berries in the autumn. This Barberry is

Prunus laurocerasus ‘Novita’

A relatively new variety of laurel, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Novita’ has proven to be an extremely hardy cultivar, being far more resilient in colder weather than its relatives.

Acer ginnala ‘Bailey Compact’

A rounded, compact variety of Amur Maple, Acer ginnala ‘Bailey Compact’ has a good, reliable habit coupled with interesting autumnal colouring. This hardy, deciduous shrub is particularly useful as a backdrop plant as its dense growth will form a solid looking screen against which other plants can be shown off.

Cornus kousa var. chinensis ‘China Girl’

Cornus alba ‘Cream Cracker’

Cornus alba ‘Cream Cracker’ is an attractive shrub renowned for its striking copper red stems in winter. In spring and summer it has variegated leaves that have cream edges on the leaves and also in spring the shrub has a profusion of cream coloured flowers. This Dogwood is very easy to care for and will

Juniperus squamata ‘Loderi’

This slow growing conifer has a pyramidal upright habit that makes a lovely small evergreen tree, reaching just 1.5m (5′) tall.

Spiraea japonica ‘Green and Gold’

Spiraea Japonica ‘Green and Gold’ is one of our favourite deciduous shrubs. From mid to late summer it produces a mass of beautiful flowers set against striking green-gold foliage. Butterflies and bees love the Spiraea Japonica ‘Green and Gold’ making it a favourite for wildlife gardens where its striking autumn leaf colouring is sure to