Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Grass Hare’s Tail

Soft, fur-like, silky heads with grace and beauty

Pea ‘Sugar Snow Green’ (Mangetout)

Pisum sativum. Dwarf, flat, broad-podded Mangetout, Pea Sugar Snow Green crops prolifically if harvested when pods are small and before seed development within the pods

Banana – Exotic Seed Collection

Decorative, huge leaves rivalling any expensive mature house plants. Grows 3ft in the first four months!

Foxglove ‘Milk Chocolate’

A delightful species originating from Spain and Portugal. Produces elegant flower spikes covered in small chocolate trumpets circling each stem and attracting beneficial insects

Calendula officinalis nana ‘Apricot Twist’

Compact, extra-bushy plants quickly become smothered in gorgeous fully-double apricot flowers. With a dwarf habit, Calendula ‘Apricot Twist’ is ideal for planting towards the front of beds and borders, or in containers on the patio. The flowers are excellent for cutting and can also be added to salads as an edible flower. Quick and easy

Geranium ‘Horizon Pink Meteor’ F1 Hybrid

Fabulous geranium which looks just as good in bud as in full flower. The large, bushy, free-flowering plants of Geranium Horizon Pink Meteor are perfect for borders and containers where the spectacular weather-resistant blooms will flower all summer long. Petals have shocking pink undersides with pure white uppers, attractively ‘dustedwith pink in the centre and

Dianthus chinensis heddewigii ?Zebra Crossing?

Showy plants for bedding, border, rockery and containers producing an abundance of quite unique, showy black and white flowers throughout summer. The dainty, fully double blooms are heavily laced, over an inch in diameter and sweetly scented. They make excellent cut flowers lasting a long time in water. Flowers summer. Height 30-38cm (12-15in).

Poppy ‘Bridal White’

Rarely-seen, pure white field poppies. The simple purity of this single colour, Poppy Bridal White makes a dramatic display when sown in drifts in borders in the autumn or spring

Duchesnea indica ‘Harlequin’

Commonly known as the Indian strawberry. Attractive variegated-leaved plants produce yellow flowers followed by red edible fruits similar to alpine strawberries. Ideal in hanging pots, cascading over rockery or as a ground cover plant

Californian Poppy ‘Rosebud Orange’

Dazzling orange, extra large, double and semi-double, rose-bud like blooms smother bushy, compact plants with silvery-green, feathery foliage. Creates an eye-catching display, when sown as drifts in borders in any garden soil, or in large containers on a sunny patio

Petunia x hybrida ‘Rose Vein Velvet’ F1 Hybrid

The best-ever basket petunia from seed! Petunia Rose Vein Velvet is the latest colour in the velvet series and promises to be as impressive! Like the others in the series, Rose Vein Velvet will out-perform expensive cutting raised Surfinia petunias. The lovely trailing stems, up to 1m (3ft) in length, look fantastic in baskets, window

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Stripes & Picotees’

A bright mixture primarily pink and cream based but also with 25% yellow or orange ground colour specifically added. All delightfully striped and picoteed.

Foxglove ‘Camelot Rose’ F1 Hybrid

The first ever F1 Hybrid Foxglove! Spectacular plants that reliably flower in the first year, with another heavy flush of flowers in the second year. Uniform plants with high quality flower spikes in a rich carousel of colour as the speckled, jewel-like blooms open all around the stout stems, giving more impact than ever before!

Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica

Scores of tall stems bearing many pink to white bracts and soft blue and white tiny flowers. Remaining spectacular, even in early autumn. Although biennial, this salvia may be treated as a short lived perennial if flowers are removed in second and subsequent years.

Salpiglossis sinuata ‘Black Trumpets’

Stunning, deep burgundy, almost black trumpet blooms each attractively veined and with a golden eye within their throat, add that exotic feel to your garden. Plants are dwarf, bushy and free flowering giving height to displays. An interesting border filler

Sweet Pea ‘Spanish Dancer’

Delightfully scented flowers, with an average of 4 blooms per stem in a never-before-seen tricolour with unusual veining, ‘Spanish Dancer’ is an ideal cut flower. Bred by one of the world’s top breeders, this sweet pea variety is an enthusiast’s dream! Order now – we expect demand to be high!

Marigold ‘Dune Mixed’

Representing superb value for money, this is the best open-pollinated marigold available! From the best of British breeding comes this outstanding African marigold, offering amazing garden and container performance. In a striking mixture of yellow, gold and orange, the flowers are extremely weather resistant due to their unique petal formation which prevents excessive water being

Lavender spicata ‘Rosea’

Chrysanthemum carinatum ‘Sunset’

Vibrant single blooms burst into a delightful range of fiery shades of red, orange and apricot. Easy to grow for brightening your borders or vases indoors from early summer through to the first frosts

Pea ‘Sugar Ann’ (Sugarsnap)

A fine quality Sugarsnap Pea with round, fleshy, pale green, sweet tasting, succulent pods. Sugarsnap Pea Sugar Ann is very early and heavy cropping. Ideal raw or in stir fries. Suitable for freezing. Eat immature when stringless but less sweet or remove string when fully developed. Seeds are in the RHS Vegetable Collection. Sow Sugarsnap