Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Malope trifida ‘Glacier Fruits Mixed’
Alstroemeria ‘Ligtu Hybrids’
Orlaya grandiflora
Aquilegia x hybrida ‘Crown Jewels Mixed’

The modern art of breeding, with some help from Mother Nature, has created this stunning new blend. A mixture of single, double, pompom, clematis flowered, long spurred and bicolour blooms aloft an equally diverse mixture of green, gold, bronze and silver edged foliage types. Plants may even throw up more new exciting types as they
Gazania ‘Kiss Bronze’ F1 Hybrid
Dahlia coccinea ‘Species Mixed’
Cladanthus arabicus ‘Golden Crown’

An easy to grow annual, perfect as a filler, where the rich gold will weave through your border. The ferny foliage of Cladanthus Golden Crown gives rise to many golden discs, and each new stem radiates from the edge of the faded flower in a most unusual fashion. Prefers an ordinary, well drained soil in
Salvia patens
Tacca chantrieri ‘Nivea’
Phlomis tuberosa
Cichorium intybus ‘Electric Blue’
Aster ‘Spider Chrysanthemum Mixed’
Aquilegia x hybrida ‘Royal Purple’
Asarina scandens ‘Jewel Mixed’

Sophisticated climber, masses of 1.5in indigo to violet blue, pink or pure white flowers. Quick to bloom from an early sowing. Ideal for the cold greenhouse or conservatory. One of the longest flowering annuals, in bloom untill Christmas if there is no hard frost or in the greenhouse during winter. Climbs to 120-240cm (4-8ft)