Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Sweet Pea ‘T&M Prize Strain Mixed’

A spectacular mix for the garden or the showbench that blends the best sweet peas for beauty, form, colour and fragrance. This sweet pea combines breathtaking scented flowers, colours which glow in the sunlight, soft shades to harmonise, and strong colours to contrast – in fact, almost every tint imaginable. Height: 180cm (71). Spread: 30cm
Salvia horminum ‘Claryssa Mixed’
Calendula officinalis nana ‘Apricots & Oranges’

Double apricot and orange flowers, borne on compact, dwarf plants make a striking combination. These bushy, well branched pot marigolds are ideal for summer bedding displays and patio containers. The daisy-like flowers are excellent for cutting and can also be added to salads as an edible flower. Quick and easy to grow, Calendula nana ‘Apricots
Poppy ‘Summer Fruits’

Dramatic peony-headed poppy in a kaleidoscope of colours. Poppies will bloom all summer long in borders and then reseed to appear again the following year. The ruffled nodding heads are irresistable to bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. Plant in clumps for maximum impact. SPECIAL OFFER – ONLY 49p when you add this product to
Petunia grandiflora pendula ‘Lady Purple’ F1 Hybrid

This genuinely cascading Petunia is smothered in bright purple-pink flowers, each with a black throat. Plants are only 15cm (6in) high and can spread up to 90cm (3ft), making them ideal candidates for all types of container and baskets. Non-stop flowering, even during mild frosts, gales and heavy rain, plants will quickly revive. Because plants
Gourd ‘Crown Of Thorns’
Squash ‘Crown Prince’ F1 Hybrid (Winter)
Schizanthus ‘Dwarf Bouquet Mixed’
Silene caroliniana ‘Hot Pink’

Brighten up your rockery with the vivid pink blooms of Silene caroliniana ‘Hot Pink’! Known as Sticky Catchfly or Wild Pink in its native home of North America, where this low, clump-forming perennial thrives on the well-drained soils of rocky outcrops. The nectar rich flowers are borne in profusion in late spring and early summer,
Petunia ‘Grand Rapids Mixed’ F1 Hybrid

A first class variety for bedding, hanging baskets and tubs. Bred with emphasis on seedling vigour and uniformity, the plants have a good free flowering habit and look superb en masse. The flowers are large with most of the colours in the range having attractive veining, which gives more substance to the flowers and enables
Wallflower ‘Bedding Mixed’
Lobelia erinus ‘Blue Wings’

On T&M’s trials we believe we have found the largest flowered bedding lobelia available. Exceptionally abundant cobalt blue flowers cover compact mounds of foliage. With superb weather resistance Lobelia ‘Blue Wings’ makes a sparkling addition to beds, containers, flower Pouches® and window-boxes. An easy to grow annual that is deservedly popular for its versatility and
Verbascum chaixii ‘Album’

A stately perennial for the back of the border with slender spires of white flowers with mauve eye. The leaves covered with white woolly hairs add to the overall charm and make this a fine subject for blending with plants of harsher colours. Useful for flower arranging. Flowers summer. Height 120-150cm (4-5ft).