Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Geum ‘Tequila Sunrise’
Fuchsia Duo
Super Scented Garden Ready Bedding Collection
Houseplant Seed Collection
Runner Bean ‘Hestia’ (Dwarf)
A superb variety that is ideal for small gardens and large containers, reaching only 45cm (18) tall. Dwarf Runner Bean ‘Hestia’ produces good yields of long, straight, stringless pods with a good flavour. This attractive, bicoloured variety begins cropping early in the season, carrying the pods above the soil to avoid disease. Height: 45cm (18).
Lilac ‘Michel Buchner’
Broad Bean ‘Bunyard’s Exhibition’
A gardener’s favourite for over 100 years for its reliable performance and heavy crop of long pods in most soils. The pods contain an average of 6 beans, with some up to 8 seeded. Broad Bean Bunyards Exhibition has a very good flavour and excellent for freezing. Prefers well-drained, moist, rich soil
Rose ‘Sommergold’ (Climbing)
Schizophragma integrifolium ‘Windmills’
Rose ‘Many Happy Returns’ (Floribunda Rose)
Spiraea betulifolia ‘Pink Sparkler’
Spiraea betulifolia ‘Pink Sparkler’ is a most attractive Birch-leaved Spirea. It forms a dense, rounded cushion of green foliage that maintains its shape nicely with very little pruning. In early summer panicles of pale pink flowers appear, followed by a repeat display in late summer and autumn if the faded flowers are deadheaded.
Rose ‘Our Beth’ (Shrub Rose)
Spiraea cinerea ‘Graciosa’
Viburnum nudum ‘Brandywine’
A superb new self fertile variety that produces the most breathtaking display of berries, even without a nearby pollinator! Flattened heads of creamy white, summer flowers are followed by abundant clusters of pale green berries which gradually ripen through white, deep pink, blue and eventually black.
Nurserymans Choice Petunia Surfinia
Poppy ‘Candy Floss’
Huge 7-10cm (3-4in) diameter, fully-double pom-pom flower heads stand tall and proud above glaucous foliage. The stunning flowers are followed by large, attractive seed heads which look wonderful in dried flower arrangements. Sow in large drifts in borders as an easy-to-grow annual which will attract admiration from passers-by and neighbours!
Geranium cinereum ‘Jolly Jewel Silver’
Salix acutifolia ‘Blue Streak’
Rhodotypos scandens
Native to China, Rhodotypos scandens, also known as Jet Bead or White Kerria, is a deciduous shrub with arching branches, but which remains fairly compact, making it suitable for borders of small and medium sized gardens. In late spring and early summer the plant produces simple, elegant 4 petalled white flowers at the tip of