Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Salix exigua
Salix exigua produces elegant lance-shaped, silvery green leaves on slender stems, which wave majestically in the wind. In spring, fuzzy pale yellow catkins decorate the branches as the leaves emerge. Forming a thicket of upright stems, this deciduous shrub requires little pruning and withstands exposed positions, making it ideal for coastal gardens, steep banks and
Common Medlar
The Common Medlar is a fully hardy, deciduous, spreading tree. White flowers, up to 5cm (2) in diameter are formed singly at the tips of the branches in May and June resulting in small, fleshy, brown fruits from late October into November. The lance shaped, green leaves turn a stunning golden yellow-brown in autumn.
Acer palmatum ‘Inaba-shidare’
Acer palmatum ‘Garnet’
A classic Japanese Maple with deep purple, finely cut foliage that has a delicate, lacy appearance. In spring, Acer palmatum ‘Garnet’ produces inconspicuous purple flowers that are followed by red, winged fruits in autumn. Over time this colourful Japanese Maple forms a spreading, deciduous tree or shrub.
Abelia x grandiflora ‘Sparkling Silver’
Abelia x grandiflora ‘Kaleidoscope’
Camellia japonica ‘Berenice Boddy’
Agapanthus africanus
Agapanthus are strikingly exotic-looking border perennials, yet fully hardy in the UK and will last for many years in the right spot. The evergreen, linear leaves create a space-filling clump in the border and are topped with 80cm (31) stems and deep blue, umbel shaped flowers from late summer. Perfect in Mediterranean-style plantings, these perennials
Clubroot Resistant Collection
The answer to thousands of gardeners’ prayers! After over 18 years of conventional breeding against this devastating brassica disease, we are pleased to offer four of the most clubroot-resistant varieties ever grown in T&M trials.This collection comprises:Broccoli Monclano F1 – This hardy variety has been selected for top flavour, heavy yields and resistance to clubroot
Geranium ‘Sunrise Smoky Eye Pink’
Geranium pratense ‘Plenum Caeruleum’
Lupin ‘Street Party Collection’
Hazel (Hedging)
Well known as a tree grown for its Cobnuts or Hazelnuts, Corylus avellana is also a fantastic hedging plant. Elegant yellow catkins hang gracefully along the bare branches in early spring, followed by large, rounded green leaves which turn to buttery yellow in autumn. Less formal pruning will allow the flowers to develop into edible
Privet (Hedging)
Clematis ‘Princess Diana’
Like its namesake, Clematis ‘Princess Diana’ or ‘The Princess of Wales’ is strong, dignified and beautiful. The hardy climber is easy to maintain as it is pruned back almost to ground level annually. However, this variety of Old Man’s Beard is best known for its tulip shaped flowers which appear throughout the summer. Their bright
Aubrieta ‘Dr. Mules Variegata’
This eye-catching evergreen ground-cover plant forms a dense carpet of variegated leaves with striking cream edges. Masses of violet-purple flowers smother the foliage in early and mid spring. Aubrieta ‘Dr. Mules Variegata’ has a spreading mat-forming habit and is perfect for adding year-round interest to rock gardens, sunny banks, dry borders and patio containers. Aubretia
Cortaderia selloana ‘Tiny Pampa’
Fast Growing Hedging Collection
Perhaps you are looking for an instant hedge? We can’t guarantee instant results but our selection of fast growing hedging plants will establish themselves in virtually no time at all. We?ve combined popular evergreen varieties such as Privet and Golden Privet with other faster growing plants that, once they take hold, will soon form a