Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Blechnum brasiliense ‘Volcano’
Dicksonia tree ferns too large or expensive for your garden? We’ve found the answer – try the dwarf Brazilian tree fern instead! An exciting new find for the home gardener, only recently introduced to the UK, but surely set to be the next big thing! Compact plants lend themselves well to growing in patio pots;
Honeysuckle ‘Dart’s World’
With it’s rich perfume, this climbing Honeysuckle is well worth finding a spot for. Flowering from late spring through to late summer, the blooms open dark pink before fading through paler pink to creamy yellow. This quick growing climber is ideal for covering outbuildings, training onto trellis or scrambling over tree stumps. It is loved
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Early Blue’
Camellia ‘Brushfield’s Yellow’
Camellia japonica is probably one of the best know varieties of this truly striking evergreen shrub. Camellia ?Brushfield?s Yellow? is guaranteed to give you a stunning spring display with its glossy leaves reflecting the sunlight, and the beautiful blooms opening to reveal their white outer petals and creamy-yellow ruffled centres.
Geranium pratense ‘Azure Skies’
Geranium transversale ‘Foundlings Friend’
Geranium pratense var. pratense f. albiflorum ‘Laura’
Geranium ‘Power Red’
Peony ‘Canary Brilliants’
This hardy perennial is perfect for the cut flower garden – its long stems are topped with exotic double blooms which are a remarkable blend of yellow and apricot. The fragrant flowers appear from May, bridging the gap between spring and summer. Peony ‘Canary Brilliants’ is an eye-catching intersectional hybrid – a cross which marries
Geranium ‘Red Sybil’
The full, rounded buds of Rosebud Geranium ‘Red Sybil’ resemble dainty roses when they first break open, then cluster together to form a pretty posy. This vigorous, trailing variety has the exceptional garden performance of other ivy-leaf geraniums, but their unique flower form truly sets them apart. With regular deadheading, they will spill from windowboxes,
Hellebore ‘Hello Pearl’
Tulip ‘Avignon’
Hellebore ‘Hello Amber’
Freckled pink double blooms with elegant pointed petals make for an eye-catching show during the early season. Hellebore ?Hello Amber? is easy to grow and low maintenance, thriving in most conditions including sun or partial shade, but it?s happiest in a dappled shade position where it?ll blend in comfortably with a woodland-style planting scheme.
Bidens ‘Pink Princess’
We’ve brought an old garden favourite into the 21st Century with these colourful compact bidens. Old varieties soon turn lanky as the season moves on. We’ve addressed that to offer you the best basket bidens on the market in a range of unusual pink, yellow and orange blooms that stay neat and tidy through to