Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Asparagus Fern (House Plant Seeds)

An attractive indoor fern with soft, feathery foliage, the Asparagus fern sits beautifully within any contemporary or modern interior. The fresh green leaves are a welcome splash of natural colour which suits all styles.

Echinacea ‘Sunseekers Salmon’

Echinacea ?Sunseekers Salmon? comes from a recently introduced series that really stand out from the crowd. Compact, well branched plants produce masses of stunning coneflowers throughout the summer.

Arabian Coffee Plant (House Plant Seeds)

Ever wondered where your coffee comes from? Meet Coffea Arabica, the Arabian Coffee plant! This bushy foliage plant makes a handsome house plant and a great talking point.

Blackberry ‘Coolaris Late’

Blackberry ‘Coolaris Late’ is a neat, compact variety that fits into the smallest garden! Despite its size, it produces heavy crops of large, glossy fruits with a fabulous, sweet flavour.

Weigela ‘Towers of Flowers’® Duo

This magnificent duo of Weigela make a spectacular display in May and June

ecofective Mouse Killer, Bait Box & Key

If your house, garage or shed has a mice infestation, the ecofective Mouse Killer will help get rid of them in a humane and efficient way. Simply fill the bait box with a sachet of bait, and when a mouse eats it, it will quickly pass out and die instantly.

Eucalyptus gunnii ‘Silverana’

This magnificent Cider Gum is particularly attractive with rounded, evergreen, silvery-blue foliage when young. With maturity, the foliage naturally becomes more green and linear, but the juvenile foliage can easily be perpetuated with regular pruning.

Cigar Plant (House Plant Seeds)

The curious flowers of Cuphea ignea bring to mind the fiery glow and shape of tiny cigars. This neat little evergreen perennial makes a lovely pot plant for a bright, sunny window or conservatory.

Epipremnum aureum (House Plant)

Commonly known as Devil?s Ivy, Epipremnum aureum is a fabulous leafy climber. The long stems are cloaked in luxuriant, glossy foliage patterned with irregular golden streaks. This vigorous house plant climbs using aerial roots to cling to its supports.

Crassula perforata (House plant)

This fascinating succulent has an intriguing appearance. Fleshy grey-green leaves, with red edges, spiral around the stems to create unusual stacks of foliage.

Oenothera biennis – Kew Pollination Collection

Best known as Evening Primrose, this biennial wildflower is a magnet for pollinating insects. With an upright, bushy habit, it produces fragrant, bright yellow, cup-shaped blooms from slender pointed buds in summer.

Corylus avellana (Hedging)

Hazel is an attractive, bushy tree which produces a mass of yellow-green catkins in the early spring followed a heavy crop of cobnuts in from September

Easy Grow Nurserymans Choice Vegetable Seeds

Abutilon megapotamicum ‘Big Bell’ (Standard)

Abutilon megapotamicum ‘Big Bell’ has been trained as a showy standard with a bushy head of foliage and an upright, bare stem. Throughout summer, bicolour flowers nod like Chinese lanterns among a crown of dark, semi-evergreen foliage.

Dahlia ‘Cornel’

Dahlia ‘Cornel’ creates a living sculpture in summer borders! A luxuriant display of spherical, red blooms are borne upon strong stems in summer. Like all Ball Dahlias, this showy variety has a superb architectural presence in beds and borders.

Dahlia ‘Cornel Duo’

This magnificent duo of Ball Dahlias boast perfectly sculpted blooms on bushy, compact plants. Their architectural forms make these beauties ideal for cutting and adding to summer bouquets.

Easy Care Houseplant Collection (House Plant)

There?s no need to pamper these plants! Each of these low maintenance house plants has been chosen for being tough and reliable ? even if you forget to water them from time to time. In fact, our easy care house plant collection is virtually indestructible! Perfect for beginner growers or those with hectic lives.

Malva moschata ‘Snow White’ – Kew Pollination Collection

Malva moschata ‘Snow White’ is a dwarf variety producing masses of gleaming white flowers with delicate pale pink stamens in late summer. This pretty perennial is simple and understated but makes a surprisingly eye-catching display.

Poppy (Wild) – Kew Pollination Collection

The wild Poppy, Papaver rhoeas is one of our most iconic wilflowers. The papery red blooms create splashes of colour among cornfields and meadow grasses accross the UK.

Bee Balm – Kew Pollination Collection

Whorls of spidery, pink blooms crown the upright stems of this eye-catching perennial. You won?t be surprised to learn that Bee Balm is a magnet for pollinating insects, which throng to the nectar rich blooms.