Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Apple Duo Patio Fruit Trees

Imagine growing two different varieties of apple on one tree

Bletilla striata ‘Blue Dragon’

A recent selection of hardy, deciduous, Hyacinth Orchid that?s easier to grow than you might think! Bletilla striata ‘Blue Dragon’ thrives in cool, hummus-rich soils in the dappled shade of deciduous trees, making it perfect for a woodland garden or shaded rockery.

Broad Bean ‘Luz de Otono’

Enjoy the fresh flavour of Broad Beans in late summer and autumn, when they should be out of season! This superb variety can be summer sown for late season crops. A second sowing in autumn, can be overwintered for early summer crops in the following year.

Hellebore ‘Double Ellen Red’

This attractive Hellebore ?Double Ellen Red? add colour to the border or containers in late winter to early spring, making it a fantastic choice for winter gardens! It will attract early pollinators as it has large, double, dark purple flowers.

Asparagus ‘Burgundine’ (Spring Planting)

Add a crunchy bite to your salads with delicious new variety. Asparagus ‘Burgundine’ has less fibrous lignin that most varieties, so you can enjoy it raw or lightly steamed! With a sweet, crunchy bite it is delicious with hummus and dips.

Gladioli Mixed

The flamboyant, tall stems of Gladioli are superb for adding height and drama to your garden and used as a cut flower for flower arrangements.

Golden Weeping Willow (Hedging)

Golden Weeping Willow is an excellent choice for a hedge on ground that is often waterlogged, or boggy. It quickly settles in and makes an attractive boundary. Salix chrysocoma has a dense form that makes it an effective screen; in winter its bare stems still provide a barrier and are a golden yellow colour that

Cornelian Cherry (Hedging)

The Cornelian Cherry can be relied upon to give you an early glimpse of spring when you need it most. Cornus mas starts the season with clusters of bright yellow flowers on bare stems in early spring to show that the grey days are almost over and summer is on the way. Each little flower

Clematis ‘Green Passion’

The unique blooms of this unusual new variety deserve to be admired up close! The fully double blooms are pale, apple green and borne in abundance from May to June. A second, less prolific flush is produced in late summer with less petals and more white tones to each flower.

Wollemia nobilis

This evergreen architectural tree, Wollemia nobilis is a beautiful specimen tree. It is a coniferous tree discovered in an Australian rainforest and will withstand temperatures down to minus 10.

Iris ensata Dinner Plate ‘Ice Cream’

The beguiling blooms of Iris ensata Dinner Plate ‘Ice Cream’ make a spectacular display in early summer. Each elegant flower can reach up to 15cm (6) across, making an unmissable display.

Onion Four Colour Bulb Mix

Grow a variety of tasty onions in four different colours! Comprising both mild and strong flavoured types this mix caters to every taste.

Salad Leaves ‘Four Colour Mizuna Mixed’

Enjoy freshly picked salad leaves throughout the year with this attractive mixture of Oriental greens.

Lettuce ‘Moonred’

Crisp and flavoursome glossy red outer leaves and a neat and compact habit, ideal for growing in more confined spaces.

Kale ‘Jardin Mixed’

This gorgeous kale selection with mauve and cream centres are not only tasty and nutritious, but they have masses of ornamental appeal too.

Cornflower ‘Polka Dot Mixed’

Cornflower ‘Polka Dot Mixed’ blends the loveliest shades of cornflower colours for a really pretty addition to summer borders. These easy to grow annuals attract bees and butterflies to their nectar rich blooms. With their wiry stems and ruffled petals they make a delicate cut flower too. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 30cm (12).

Cornflower ‘Blue Diadem’

Powder puff Cornflowers of intense azure blue were once a common sight in summer, dotted throughout golden cornfields. This charming annual still makes an unforgettable impact in grassy meadows and summer borders. Its tall wiry stems and ruffled blooms make Cornflower ‘Blue Diadem’ is ideal for cutting. The nectar rich blooms attract bees and butterflies

Cherry plum (Hedging)

The Cherry Plum or Myrobalancan be often seen in autumn hedgerows as the golden yellow and deep red miniature round plums catch the eye as they are highlighted against the dark green foliage. The perfect hedging for wildlife, Prunus ceraifera is clothed in pristine white flowers during March and April followed by the edible fruits

Gazania hybrida ‘Talent Mixed’

Gazania ‘Talent Mixed’ offers an exciting seed range of colours and decorative silvery foliage all from the same plant. From June to October, cheery, wide-open flowers are produced on short stems. Even when not in bloom, this compact Treasure Flower makes an attractive display.

Sunflower ‘Astra Gold’

Fun and easy to grow from seed, this wonderfully rewarding sunflower is a joy to grow for children and adults alike.