Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Fennel ‘Dragon’ F1 Hybrid

With a dwarf habit and excellent resistance to bolting or yellowing, this modern variety makes an attractive feature in the kitchen garden as well as a tasty and productive crop.

Agapanthus ‘Blue Ribbon’

The starry, rich blue flowers of Agapanthus ?Blue Ribbon? form rounded flower heads in late summer. Each petal is marked with a violet-blue stripe that adds depth and interest to the display.

Rhododendron ‘Gristede’

Awarded a prestigious RHS AGM, Rhododendron ‘Gristede’ is a compact variety with a neat growth habit. This dwarf evergreen Rhododendron produces a prolific display of purple, funnel shaped blooms in April that virtually covers the dark evergreen foliage.

Rose Pink Flower Carpet (Groundcover Rose)

This exquisite groundcover rose makes a spectacular feature with cerise pink, semi-double blooms that repeat-flower throughout the summer. The long, low stems of Rose Pink Flower Carpet make a fine focal point as they spill over a low wall or cascade down a bank.

Empathy Bulb Starter

Get your flower bulbs off to the best possible start with Empathy Bulb Starter. This bulb treatment can be applied when planting by simply adding the correct quanity to the bottom of each planting hole.

Salvia nemorosa ‘Senior’

Drosera capensis (Houseplant)

This lovely Cape Sundew will add interest to your windowsill. Drosera capensis is a carnivorous marsh loving perennial which prefers to be stool in a saucer of preferably rain water.

Nepenthes alata (House Plant)

Grow this fascinating pitcher plant, Nepenthes alata, in your home and it?s bound to draw some interest. This intriguing carnivorous plant not only makes an attractive and interesting feature in your home but it doubles up as a fly catcher too!

Scarlet Willow (Hedging)

Scarlet Willow has all of the characteristics you would expect from this species, with the added bonus of bright red young stems in winter. Scarlet willow adapts well to being part of a hedgerow, and regular clipping encourages more red shoots to grow. Tolerant of flooding, willows are an ideal choice for planting in areas

Red Dogwood (Hedging)

Usually grown as an ornamental shrub for its winter stem colour, Red Dogwood also makes a brilliant hedging plant. The strong upright stems produce bright green ovate leaves and clusters of tiny white flowers in May and June which are attractive to bees. In autumn the leaves take on warm shades of red before falling

Dracaena fragrans ‘Compacta’ (House Plant)

Dracaena fragrans ‘Compacta’ is a particularly compact, slow growing Dragon Tree. The glossy, dark green foliage crowds the thick, vertical stems to create a dense and bushy specimen plant. This majestic house plant is easy to grow, making a fine feature in a brightly lit room, and tolerating more shaded positions with ease.

Crab apple (Hedging)

A British native, Crab Apple trees are naturally small and make an ideal hedging plant. In late spring a profusion of white-pink blossoms smother the plant, which are fantastic for bees. These are followed by small yellow-green crab apples which become flushed red and often remain on the tree well after leaf fall. The leaves

White Poplar (Hedging)

The rich, dark leaves of White Poplar have a silver/white underside, giving an interesting effect as the tree is ruffled by the wind. A common sight in the English countryside, the White Poplar is used by farmers to provide a windbreak to protect crops. It is also happy to be kept clipped to your required

Pea ‘Pacco’

Grow your own delicious peas with high yielding variety Pea ?Pacco?, each plant producing a generous crop of pods each filled with up to 10 sweet-tasting peas.

Tree Peony Collection

There are few plants that can compete with the beauty of a tree peony in full bloom. A mature plant can boast in excess of a hundred exotic blooms, each measuring up to 25cm (10) or more in diameter! These exceptional shrubs are hardy and disease resistant, and will continue to bloom for a lifetime.

Magnolia ‘Black Beauty’

Magnolia ?Black Beauty? is the closest you?ll find to a black Magnolia. Although not exactly black, the blooms are startling. Each flower is deep purple on the outside with creamy white interior which makes a dramatic contrast. This free flowering variety produces a superb display upon bare branches from mid-spring, followed by mid-green, ovate foliage.

Green Fig

Although it may look exotic, the humble Fig is fully hardy and can be grown very successfully outdoors in the UK. You can enjoy crops of sweet, juicy figs from August to September. With their attractive foliage, Figs also make an attractive feature when trained against a sunny wall or grown in a large container

Calendula officinalis ‘Crown Yellow’

Enjoy a fabulous, cheery display of sunny flowers all summer long with this easy to grow, low maintnenace plant.

White Plastic Pot

Smarten up your house plants with these sleek indoor plant pots! The stylish design has simple, clean lines that will blend effortlessly into almost any home. Made from sturdy, wipe-clean plastic, they are lightweight and fit perfectly on a windowsill.

Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’