Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Magnolia ‘Eskimo’
Ammi majus ‘Graceland’ (National Trust)
Nasturtium ‘Climbing Mixed’ (National Trust)

Free-flowering, vibrant and edible, Nasturtium ?Climbing Mixed? certainly have a lot to offer. Over the course of the season, these vigorous plants grow long stems which happily scramble up trellis or over walls, producing a lush show of round leaves along with a long-lasting profusion of edible flowers in vibrant shades of red, yellow and
Magnolia ‘Blushing Belle’
Oregano (National Trust)

An easy-to-grow, hardy perennial herb perfect for adding a delicious Mediterranean flavour to dishes, versatile Oregano is a useful addition to any kitchen or herb garden. Also known as Pot Marjoram, this vigorous plant produces masses of fresh leaves which can be used all summer long, simply pick and use whenever required and enjoy their
Parsnip ‘White Gem’ (National Trust)

A reliable variety with excellent canker resistance, Parsnip ?White Gem? produces a uniform crop of smooth-skinned, flavoursome roots in virtually any soil types. Cropping over a generously long season, sow successively and you can enjoy harvesting fresh parsnips throughout autumn and most of winter.
Cupressus ‘Goldcrest’
Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’
Swiss Chard ‘Bright Lights’ (National Trust)
Parsley ‘Lisette’ (National Trust)
Lettuce ‘Valmaine’ (Romaine/Cut And Come Again) (National Trust)

This reliable cut and come again variety will provide you with a rewardingly long harvest of tasty, crunchy salad leaves. Salad is always best eaten freshly picked for optimum texture and flavour – with successive sowings, Lettuce ‘Valmaine’ will treat you to an ongoing supply of fresh green leaves to harvest repeatedly throughout summer and
Courgette ‘Jemmer’ F1 hybrid

Add some colour to your dinner plate with the golden fruits of Courgette ?Jemmer?. This vigorous F1 hybrid produces smooth, cylindrical courgettes with bright yellow skins and a delicious flavour. Courgette ?Jemmer? shows good resistance to powdery mildew, ensuring reliably heavy crops throughout the summer.
Pansy ‘Orchid’
Magnolia denudata ‘Yellow River’

An unusual variety with glamorous, buttery-yellow flowers and the sweetest perfume. The large buds of Magnolia ‘Yellow River’ open to reveal goblet shaped blooms on bare branches in spring. This exceptional deciduous magnolia makes an elegant and low maintenance specimen tree for a border or woodland garden.
Crab Apple ‘Profusion’
Lilac ‘Sensation’
Clematis ‘Little Lemons’

Instantly recognisable as a clematis tangutica variety, but without the sprawling stems of its larger cousins! Clematis ‘Little Lemons’ is a super-dwarf plant with a neat, bushy habit. The short, 45cm (18) long stems are cloaked in delicately cut, bright green foliage. A host of nodding, lemon-yellow blooms decorate this dwarf plant from May to
Salix purpurea ‘Nana’

Like a feathery cushion, Salix purpurea ‘Nana’ is a deciduous shrub with a naturally dwarf, rounded habit and slender grey-green leaves. As the leaves fall in autumn, the dark purple-red stems are revealed which look fantastic among frosted seed heads in winter. In early spring small silvery catkins adorn the bare branches. Truly a shrub
Stephanandra tanakae

Stephanandra tanakae is an excellent choice for groundcover in difficult places, as it propagates by suckers. This deciduous shrub is also great for areas that need livening up with a splash of colour, with orange-brown stems and attractively lobed leaves that change from green to golden yellow and can take on a purple hue in
Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna ‘Purple Stem’

Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna ‘Purple Stem’ is a handsome evergreen shrub with a suckering, spreading habit. Over time it will form a dense thicket of stems which are deep purple when young, gradually fading with maturity. The glossy green foliage forms an ideal backdrop for the spidery pink-tinged flowers which appear in late winter.