Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Acer palmatum ‘Katsura’

If you’re looking for a shrub to brighten up your garden on those dull, grey rainy days, look no further. Acer palmatum ‘Katsura’ is a deciduous shrub of erect growth with 5 to 7-lobed leaves which first appear bright orange in spring, quickly turning orange-flushed yellow with pink margins.

Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea ‘Bagatelle’

This Japanese Barberry is much smaller than most varieties of Berberis, measuring a petite 30cm (1’0) when fully grown. Like its larger siblings, the hardy shrub has an attractive, rounded habit and requires little maintenance. What it’s lacking in height, Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea ‘Bagatelle’ more than makes up for in colour. The miniature plant

Clematis Diamantina™ evipo039

Extraordinary flower power! Clematis ‘Diamantina’ is free flowering and will also repeat flower in a single growing season, blooming from May right through to September. Luxurious fully double blooms fill the twining stems of this deciduous climber, with each bloom lasting for up to 4 weeks.

Clematis ‘Sally’™ evipo077

Unlike many pink varieties, Clematis ?Sally? won?t fade when grown in full sun – in fact the colour may even deepen! This strong growing cultivar bears an abundance of large pink flowers from May to September against a backdrop of bushy, mid-green foliage. A lovely choice for growing through roses and mature shrubs, but equally

Busy Lizzie ‘Imara’

Busy Lizzies are definitely back! This colourful new mix is downy mildew resistant so you can grow them with confidence. Impatiens walleriana have been all but wiped out of UK gardens in recent years. Busy Lizzie ?Imara? are a breeding breakthrough!

Clematis Avant-Garde™ evipo033

You can see the Clematis viticella genes in this beauty! Recurved magenta tepals surround a central crown of pale pink petals to give the appearance of double flowers. The blooms of Clematis ‘Avant-Garde’ are long lasting, giving plenty of summer colour.

Clematis Crystal Fountain™ evipo038

The flowers of Clematis ?Crystal Fountain? ™ are quite extraordinary. A fountain of crystal-blue stamens radiate from the centres of the dazzling blue, 15cm (6) wide blooms.

Doff Multipurpose Lawn Seed

Create a hard wearing, lush green lawn with this superior multi-purpose lawn seed! This easy-to grow grass seed mix is ideal for establishing a brand new lawn, or renovating tired areas of existing lawns under a wide range of soil and weather conditions. For best results, simply direct sow in autumn or spring.

Doff Cut & Cover Patch Fix

Doff cut and cover patch fix is a fantastic product for improving the poorer performing patches of your lawn.

Doff Cut & Cover Lawn Thickener

Doff cut and cover lawn thickener is an easy-to-use lawn care product which will enhance the growth and thicken your lawn.

Agapanthus ‘Ever White’

Agapanthus ‘Ever White? is a semi-dwarf variety which produces multiple spikes of pure white flowers all summer in a sunny or partly shaded position. Agapanthus are tough, fast growing and drought tolerant, these plants are a real ‘must-have? for any style of garden.

Thuja occidentalis ‘Golden Globe’

Well named and exceptionally attractive, Thuja occidentalis ‘Golden Globe’ forms a dense, rounded shape over time. This slow growing, evergreen conifer boasts dense, bright green-gold foliage which holds its shape perfectly and provides colour all the year round.

Berberis thunbergii ‘Chiquita’

A well vibrant, colourful Barberry, bringing plenty of interest to the garden! Berberis thunbergii ‘Chiquita’ has a neat, bushy, columnar habit that reaches just 1m (3?) tall. The rounded foliage emerges pink, deepening to burgundy with a delicate pale gold margin.

Berberis Trio

This trio of deciduous Japanese Barberry shrubs are perfect for creating impact in gardens where space is at a premium. Each variety boasts a narrow, columnar habit and bright, colourful foliage. In late spring, the small yellow flowers prove irresistible to pollinating insects.

Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’

Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’ is a particularly choice evergreen tree with an attractive, columnar shape at maturity. The glossy, dark foliage creates a handsome backdrop for its elegant, cup-shaped, white blooms in late summer and autumn.

Ulmus minor subsp. sarniensis

A less spreading, conical, fully hardy, deciduous, upright- branching, medium- height tree. Ulmus minor subsp. sarniensis is an upright,deciduous tree with a slender, conical habit. Its flaky, grey-brown bark is more noticeable during the winter, and as the tree matures.

Lingonberry ‘Miss Cherry’

Lingonberry ‘Miss Cherry’ produces generous clusters of bright red fruits from September that are similar to a cranberry. The berries have a sharp, tart flavour that brings an excellent acidity to preserves, sauces and pies. Lingonberries, or Cowberries as they are sometimes known, show superb hardiness and disease resistance.

Viburnum x hillieri ‘Winton’

The spring foliage of Viburnum x hillieri ‘Winton’ emerges a striking copper shade which darkens to green as summer progresses. Creamy-white flowers are borne in profusion throughout June, carried on stiff panicles that make a showy display.

Deutzia x lemoinei

Whether planted as part of a mixed group, or grown as an individual specimen shrub, Deutzia x lemoinei makes a handsome deciduous shrub. A late spring display of tightly rounded buds produces a blizzard of snow-white, cup shaped flowers with a light and gentle fragrance.

Wisteria brachybotrys ‘Kapiteyn Fuji’

A most attractive white Wisteria with bright green, pinnate foliage that has a slightly downy texture – hence its common name of Silky Wisteria. Long pendants of glistening white flowers decorate the twining stems in early summer, filling the air with a gentle perfume.