Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Clematis x aromatica

Clematis with a difference. Graceful ‘scrambler’ with strongly fragrant flowers from July to October. Admire the unusual deep violet flowers with contrasting pale yellow stamens as the plant trails prettily through borders. Plant informally around a seating area to fully enjoy its scent.

Schizophragma hydrangeoides

A hardy, deciduous, climbing shrub, for a sunny or part shaded position. Schizophragma hydrangeoides is commonly known as the Climbing Hydrangea for its Hydrangea-like, creamy-white, lace cap flowers which are borne in flat topped clusters during June and July.

Thuja occidentalis ‘Anniek’

Thuja occidentalis ‘Anniek’ is a hardy, evergreen conifer with a compact, spherical habit. The green foliage has yellow tips turning a bronzed-orange colour in late autumn and throughout the winter. This tactile conifer is fluffy and soft to the touch, bringing texture and colour to the garden all year round.

Redcurrant ‘Jonkheer van Tets’

Exceptional Redcurrant ?Jonkheer van Tets? is a satisfyingly heavy-cropping variety to grow, producing impressive yields of large berries with a lovely sweet flavour and wonderful bursting texture.

Mediterranean Fruit Collection

Bring a taste of the Mediterranean to your patio with this generous collection of fruit trees. Citrus trees make fabulous patio plants, thriving outdoors in summer and enjoying a heated greenhouse or conservatory in winter. Green Figs are much hardier, and can be trained against a wall for a tasty crop of green figs.

Taxus baccata ‘Summergold’

This golden-leaved Yew has a neat and compact habit that forms a manageable, evergreen shrub with maturity. The young foliage emerges bright golden yellow in spring and slowly deepens to yellow-green with a golden edge. Older foliage ages to a darker yellow-green colour.

Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata Robusta’

A stately columnar tree forming a slender pillar of evergreen foliage. As a young plant it is pencil thin, remaining very narrow even at maturity. Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata Robusta’ is a slow growing Yew tgree that makes a superb statement plant, bringing structure and formal punctuation to planting schemes.

Fruit Me® Collection (Mini Patio Tree)

The innovative Fruit Me® series offers a range of self-fertile fruit and nut trees, grafted onto a brand new dwarf rootstock. These compact mini fruit trees are specially adapted for growing in patio containers over a long period, producing good crops from an early age. Perfect for balconies, terraces, conservatories and small gardens ? in

Styrax japonicus ‘Fragrant Fountain’

Clusters of sweet scented white flowers with gold stamens hang in their masses from this hardy shrub throughout spring. With a compact, weeping habit, Styrax ?Fragrant Fountain? is a wonderful new specimen plant for the border, or as a centrepiece in a lawn.

Stachyurus chinensis ‘Celina’

Stachyurus chinensis ‘Celina’ is a hardy, deciduous shrub with arching branches and a spreading habit. From February to April, the long, dangling racemes of pale yellow flowers appear upon its bare branches. Each raceme reaches up to 23cm (9) in length making a showy display at a time when there is little else in flower.

Rosa ‘Madame Alfred Carriere’ (Climbing Rose)

Rosa ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’ is an old variety, well loved for it?s voluptuous, double white blooms with the softest blush of pink. The sweetly fragrant roses are borne persistently throughout summer against a backdrop of healthy, mid-green foliage. The stems of this graceful climber are flexible making them swell suited to training over pergolas and

Rose ‘Madame Isaac Péreire’ (Climbing Bourbon)

Rose ‘Madame Isaac Péreire’ is a ‘sought-after’, heirloom variety dating back to the 1880?s. This showy climbing Bourbon Rose produces large, fully double, cup-shaped flowers in a deep shade of fuchsia-pink, which recurve beautifully at the edges.

Celery ‘Blush’ (Self blanching)

The unusual rose-tinged stems of this outstanding celery not only add a refreshing, crispy bite to your summer salads, but they look pretty too.

Rhododendron viscosum

A bushy, deciduous, shrub with hairy shoots and dark green leaves with glaucous undersides. The foliage of Rhododendron viscosum turns a wonderful range of yellow, orange and purple hues in autumn.

Rose ‘Cicero’ (Patio Rose)

Rose ‘Cicero’ is a very compact plant with rich-green, glossy, oval leaves. Throughout summer and well into autumn, it is decorated with clusters of pale pink flowers. With such a dwarf, compact habit, this patio rose makes an excellent choice for a patio container or ideal planted in a group in the flower border.

Rhododendron ‘Stewartstonian’

A ‘must have’, spectacular, semi-evergreen, hardy shrub, renowned for its fiery red, funnel-shaped blooms in late spring, and changing leaf colours through a full yearly cycle.

Rhododendron ‘Koningin Emma’

Rhododendron ‘Koningin Emma’ produces tight clusters of funnel-shaped, rich orange flowers with apricot overtones. The flowers appear in spring before the emerging mid-green leaves. The glosyy foliage turns to orange-red in autumn, creating a spectacular display before falling.

Rhododendron ‘Harvest Moon’

A Knap Hill hybrid, Rhododendron ‘Harvest Moon’is a rarely seen variety from English breeding. Trusses of gently perfumed, trumpet-shaped, sunset yellow-orange flowers are borne on bare stems in May just as the leaves emerge.

Rhododendron ‘Graziella’

Rhododendron ‘Graziella’ is a fully hardy, evergreen Rhododendron producing long, narrow, dark green leaves that provide interest throughout the year in a mixed ericaceous border. Trusses of pink, bell-shaped flowers appear during late spring and early summer.

Rose ‘Laguna’ (Climbing Hybrid Tea)

Rose ‘Laguna’ is a stunning climbing hybrid tea rose. This recently introduced variety produces beautiful raspberry-pink, fully double flowers over a very long period from June to October. The blooms are deeply fragrant with a fruity, lemon scent that will fill your garden with perfume.