Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Sorbus hemsleyi ‘John Bond’

Sorbus hemsleyi ‘John Bond’ is an intriguing variety, sharing some characteristics with its Whitebeam cousins. The grey-green foliage is deeply furrowed with attractive downy-white undersides that catch the light as the move in the breeze.

Anthemis tinctoria ‘Kelwayi’

Indispensable for sunny cottage garden borders, wildlife areas and gravel gardens where its golden blooms create a dazzling display from early summer.

Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’

Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’ is a spreading, deciduous tree for a warm, sheltered position. This eye-catching variety is predominantly grown for its colourful heart-shaped foliage, which emerges bronze and matures to bright gold before fading to green in late summer.

Hellebore ‘Pure Gold’

Simple and refined! Hellebore ?Pure Gold? is an exquisite cultivar with palest moonlight-yellow blooms rising above leathery, evergreen foliage. Flowering from late winter to early spring, it makes a superb choice for winter containers or planting in dense groups throughout lightly shaded borders.

Euonymus planipes

Euonymus planipes sits quietly in the background throughout spring and summer, but steps into the spotlight in as autumn approaches. Scarlet fruits dangle from the branches like jewels, cracking open as they mature to reveal eye-catching orange seeds.

Hellebore ‘Single Pink Spotted’

Hellebores are essential for winter colour in the garden, and are just as important in the garden as snowdrops, aconites and early spring bulbs. The Christmas Rose blooms extremely early in the year, sometimes even from Christmas, hence the name.

Acer grosseri var. hersii

Acer grosseri var. hersii is most notable for its beautiful marbled green bark, streaked with creamy white. This majestic Paper Bark Maple boasts long racemes of green flowers in spring followed by conspicuous autumn fruits.

Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’

Somewhat smaller in stature than the traditional Horse Chestnut but no less impressive. This round-headed deciduous tree has the same palmate foliage with distinctive leaflets, but tends to be darker green in colour. The upright candelabra blooms are a beautiful rosy-red colour, giving rise to its common name of Red Horse Chestnut.

Crab Apple ‘Donald Wyman’

A vigorous, strong growing variety with a long season of interest. From mid-Spring, Crab Apple ‘Donald Wyman? is covered with white blooms that open from pretty pink buds, contrasting nicely with the dark green foliage.

Begonia Collection

A spectacular collection of a carefully selected mix of our favourite begonias! Our new Begonia Collection contains an amazing five different varieties of tuberhybrida begonias that will fill your hanging baskets, patio containers and flower pouches with glorious summer colour. Begonia tubers are so easy to grow that you?ll have a display to be proud

Britains Favourite Apple Tree Collection

Britain has one of the best climates in the world for growing apples of the highest quality. This collection contains some of the most highly regarded varieties. Grafted onto a dwarfing rootstock, the crowns are easily reached to prune, spray and pick your delicious fruit.

Clematis Tekla™ evipo069

Flowering in late spring and again in early autumn, Clematis ‘Tekla’ makes a bold statement. The vibrant, cerise pink flowers are equally stunning whether grown alone or partnered with pale pink roses.

Grape ‘Regent’

A popular variety that is often found in UK vineyards. Grape ?Regent? is an early ripening variety, producing excellent quality fruits with very high sugar content – ideal for wine and juice making. In good growing years they are sweet enough to be eaten ????

Clematis Edda™ evipo074

Compact and colourful – Clematis ?Edda? will brighten up even the smallest of gardens. Flowering with enthusiasm, this striking cultivar bears its rich purple, maroon-striped flowers from May to August, producing a second flush even before the first flowers fade.

Acer capillipes

A superb ornamental tree with plenty of seasonal interest. Acer capillipes is commonly known as a Snake Bark Maple for its exquisite striated bark, which is green, streaked with silver when young. With maturity the bark ages to grey with the same silvery markings.

Pluot ‘Flavor King’

An inter-species plum-apricot hybrid that marries the best qualities of both species into one delicious crop. Pluot ?Flavor-King? has the appearance and texture of a plum with smooth red skins and firm, juicy flesh. The flavour is predominantly plum but with the sweetness of apricot that gives it a mouth-watering peardrop taste.

Acer palmatum ‘Beni-Shichi-Henge’

A fabulous Acer variety with green and pink leaves ‘Beni-Shichi-Henge’ will happily grow in a large container and prove to be a dramatic centre-piece to your garden displays.

Crab Apple ‘Pink Glow’

An early cropping Crab Apple which is regarded as one of the best for culinary use. A fine display of large white blossom in spring is replaced by large, dark pink, plum-shaped fruits in autumn. Crab Apple ‘Pink Glow? is a deciduous, round-headed tree with a neat, compact habit.

Dahlia ‘Orange Turmoil’

Cactus-style dahlias offer curvaceous, spiky, fully double blooms, that are perfect for cutting.

Wisteria frutescens ‘Longwood Purple’

This unusual American dwarf species is less vigorous than other wisteria varieties, reaching a mature height of 6m (20′). Wisteria frutescens ‘Longwood Purple’ produces rich purple racemes of pea-like flowers, which are equally showy, but slightly shorter than its Asian relations.