Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Carex hachijoensis ‘Maxigold’
Acer palmatum ‘Beni-Shichi-Henge’
Crab Apple ‘Pink Glow’
Wisteria frutescens ‘Longwood Purple’
Hemerocallis ‘Everyday Lily Series’
Taxus baccata ‘Semperaurea’
A dense, bushy evergreen Yew with bright gold new growth in spring, which slowly mellows to rich yellow as summer progresses. The foliage retains its colour well throughout the year, taking on rusty orange tints in autumn. Foliage colour is at its best when planted in full sun, where it will light up your planting
Sorbus aria ‘Magnifica’
Rose ‘Sweetie’ (Patio Rose Standard)
Rubus thibetanus
Rubus thibetanus is a dense, prickly branched, clump- forming shrub that makes a superb security shrub. Fern-like, green leaves with sivery undersides cover the stems in spring, before the small, purple flowers appear in summer, borne singly from the leaf axils. Black, inedible fruits rep[lace the flowers by autumn and last into winter unless eaten
Salix udensis ‘Golden Sunshine’
Buddleja ‘Butterfly Towers’
Sambucus nigra ‘Marginata’
A fully hardy, deciduous, large shrub or small tree which will need plenty of space. Sambucus nigra ‘Marginata’ is popular for its attractive, dark green foliage edged with creamy-yellow margins. From June to August, huge flattened umbels of white flowers, up to 20cm (8) in width, produce a tantalising musk scent which attracts pollinating insects