Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Rhododendron ‘Catawbiense Grandiflorum’

Rhododendron ‘Catawbiense Grandiflorum’ is a bushy, dense, evergreen shrub. The shiny, rich-green leaves are paler green underneath, providing year round colour and structure in the garden. Large trusses of mauve flowers with yellow-brown markings at the throat are borne in late spring and early summer.

Rhododendron ‘Tortoiseshell Orange’

Rhododendron ‘Tortoiseshell Orange’ has a compact, mound-shaped habit that makes a neat and tidy, low maintenance shrub. This evergreen rhododendron is covered in evergreen, shiny, leaves that provide year round colour and structure in the garden.

Rose filipes ‘Kiftsgate’ (Rambling Rose)

An exceptionally vigorous rambler with long arching, thorny, stems. From July through September, masses of single, white flowers are borne in weeping clusters with a strong musk fragrance, which provides a treat for the senses.

Rhododendron ‘Tortoiseshell Wonder’

From late May, Rhododendron ‘Tortoiseshell Wonder’ bears loose clusters of funnel-shaped blooms. The large flowers are a glowing shade of coral-pink which is particularly striking.

Rose ‘Bobbie James’ (Rambling Rose)

This vigorous rambling rose produces long, arching branches filled with healthy, green foliage that can reach extraordinary heights. In early summer the stems are decorated with large clusters of small, semi-double white flowers with a central boss of golden-yellow stamens.

Rhododendron ‘Persil’ (Azalea Group)

Elegant and eye-catching, Rhododendron ‘Persil’ is a deciduous shrub from the popular Azalea group. Clusters of snowy white, trumpet shaped blooms appear in May, each splashed with a bright golden flare.

Pulmonaria ‘Moonshine’

When this showy Lungwort starts to flower, its a welcome sign that spring is on the way! Pulmonaria ‘Moonshine’ is a stunning, herbaceous perennial grown for its mound of sparkling, silvery-grey, rounded leaves that are edged with dark green.

Pinus mugo ‘Carsten’s Wintergold’ (Standard)

Pinus mugo ‘Carsten’s Wintergold’ is extremely slow growing, forming a flattened mound of open branches that remain neat and compact. Green needles in spring and summer turn a beautiful golden-yellow as winter approaches, bringing a glowing splash of colour to the garden during the bleakest months.

Picea abies ‘Acrocona’

Picea abies ?Arocana is a gracefully pendant, well branched, dwarf version of the Christmas Tree! This Norway Spruce is a hardy, evergreen conifer cloaked in deep green needles. In spring, each of the branch tips develops a fine display of red, upright young cones, which make an eye catching colour contrast to the foliage.

Picea glauca var. albertiana ‘J.W. Daisy’s White’

An eye-catching, pyramidal, dwarf conifer of neat and compact habit. Picea glauca var. albertiana ‘J.W. Daisy’s White’ has pale, yellow-green, needles that emerge pale cream in spring, later maturing to green. This slow growing conifer makes an attractive specimen plant bringing structure, texture and year round colour to the garden.

Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’

A breeding breakthrough! Rhododendron ‘Tinkerbird’ is a hardy dwarf hybrid with a fabulous scent. From early May, pink buds open to reveal glistening white flowers with a sweet perfume.

Prunus nipponica var. kurilensis ‘Ruby’

Reputedly, one of the most hardy of deciduous ornamental cherries. Very pale, pink-white, single flowers appear in March and April. Prunus nipponica var. kurilensis ‘Ruby’ is cloaked in green leaves throughout summer which turn yellow and an orange-red during the autumn, giving a spectacular display.

Rhododendron ‘Brigitte’

A truly beguiling variety! Clusters of large, white blooms with enchanting soft pink edges open from deep pink buds in late Spring. Each flower has a conspicuous splash of gold at its centre that catches the eye, even from a distance.

Prunus ‘Kanzan’

A hardy, deciduous tree of upright habit when young, maturing to a more spreading habit in later years. Prunus ‘Kanzan’ provides a stunning display of large, vivid pink-purple, double flowers in spring, upon bare branches.

Prunus x incam ‘Okamé’

A stunning, deciduous tree which matures to produce a well-structured, rounded crown on maturity. Early to flower in spring, Prunus x incam ‘Okamé’ produces a profusion of single, rich pink buds which erupt into clusters of cup-shaped flowers, borne upon bare stems.

Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth Red Foliage’

Much like Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth? but as the name suggests, the new leaves of this form are a remarkable burgundy colour, gradually colouring to green with maturity. Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth Red Foliage’ is a dwarf hybrid, boasting a fine display of scarlet red blooms in May.

Mahonia bealei

Mahonia bealei is a hardy, upright, evergreen shrub with blue-green leaves divided into broad leaflets. Pale yellow, fragrant flowers are produced in short, upright 10cm (4) racemes from November to March, followed by ovoid blue-purple berries.

Rhododendron ‘Maruschka’ (Azalea Group)

An evergreen Azalea with vivid red flowers in late spring that smother the entire plant. The glossy foliage is dark green in summer, turning to rich bronze in winter.

Rhododendron ‘Magic Flute’ (Hyde) (Azalea Group)

In late spring Rhododendron ‘Magic Flute’ produces masses of double purple-pink blooms. This vibrant variety is ideal for injecting a bold shot of colour into acid borders, rockeries and woodlands.

Rhododendron ‘Whitethroat’ (Azalea Group)

It?s easy to see why this deciduous Azalea was awarded an RHS AGM. The large, double white flowers are borne in showy, dense clusters throughout May. Rhododendron ‘Whitethroat’ makes a superb specimen shrub.