Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Helenium hoopesii

This tall Helenium bears tawny yellow, daisy blooms with particularly narrow petals, perched upon upright, sturdy stems

Veronica gentianoides

Upright spires of palest, china blue flowers are produced over a long period throughout summer. Veronica gentianoides is an elegant hardy perennial with glossy, dark green foliage that forms a dense carpet.

Celeriac ‘Monarch’

An autumn/early winter vegetable. Celeriac Monarch is an excellent, high quality variety which has very smooth, easily washable, creamy coloured roots. Easier to grow than celery and can be grated raw over salads, cut into slices and boiled, or into strips which are fried. T&M’s illustration shows Celeriac cubed and served with a walnut butter.

Aster novi-belgii ‘Lady in Blue’

As the name suggests, this lovely Michaelmas Daisy produces an abundance of double, lavender blue flowers from late August, when other plants are beginning to fade. Aster novi-belgii ‘Lady in Blue’ has a compact, dwarf habit that is perfectly suited to patio containers, or edging the front of borders.

Scabious ‘Flutterby Pink’

Stalwarts of the cottage garden planting scheme, these popular hardy perennials are always a magnet for butterflies and pollinating insects.

Aster novi-belgii ‘Snowsprite’

Aster novi-belgii ‘Snowsprite’ is a compact, dwarf cultivar with a pleasing rounded habit. The dazzling white blooms, with contrasting golden eyes, bring a welcome splash of colour from August to October when most perennials are past their best.

Vinca major ‘Maculata’

A particularly pretty periwinkle with dark green foliage that is marbled lime green at the centre of each leaf. The glossy, evergreen foliage contrasts well with the bright blue flowers which appear over a long period.

Hypericum ‘Magical Red Flame’

You rely on this recent introduction of St John?s Wort to provide plenty of interest in the garden. Golden yellow flowers with distinctive, spidery stamens are produced from May to June above the semi-evergreen foliage.

Aster novi-belgii ‘Bahamas’

A neatly compact Michaelmas Daisy with cerise pink flowers that make a cheery display in autumn. Aster novi-belgii ‘Bahamas’ is a free-flowering variety, reviving late summer borders with a blast of colour.

Scabiosa atropurpurea ‘Beaujolais Bonnets’

Found by chance in a Suffolk garden, this showy Scabious produces large, burgundy pincushion flowers surrounded by an outer collar of raspberry pink petals.

Cabbage ‘Caramba’ F1 Hybrid (Summer/ Winter Sweetheart Type)

Sweetheart cabbages are becoming increasingly popular in supermarkets during late summer through to winter. Now you can grow your own! Cabbage Caramba has tender, sweet pointed mid-green hearts, ideal shredded raw in salads and coleslaws or delicious as a steamed vegetable

Tomato ‘Ildi’

Mini, sweet yellow, pear shaped cherry tomatoes with up to 80 fruits per truss. Tomato ‘Ildi’ is a cordon variety that naturally stops growing at 150-180cm (5-6′) carrying 3-4 trusses per plant. Trusses keep well and can be picked, hung in a cool garage, and kept for weeks without the fruit dropping. Perfect for containers

Photinia x fraseri ‘Scarlet Blaze’

A lovely, edible Crab Apple producing crisp, sharply flavoured, deep-red fruits which remain on the tree well into winter. Crab Apple ‘Diable Rouge’ is a particularly attractive cultivar in Spring.

Cornus officinalis

Native to China, Korea and Japan, Cornus officinalis or Japanese Cornelian Cherry is a type of Dogwood shrub. Its green foliage turns to shades of red and purple in autumn and is covered in red berries, providing a plentiful food source for garden birds in winter. In late winter and early spring beautiful clusters of

Clematis Trio Rebecca, Ooh La La, Bernadine

Morroccan Daisies are cheerful little plants that form a neat cushion of finely dissected, silvery-green foliage. From April to May, Rhodanthemum ‘Marrakech’ produces a host of pale pink daisy-like flowers, with darker pink margins.

Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’

Plum ‘Czar’ is a superb variety producing large, dark purple-black fruits that can be used in pies and crumbles or eaten fresh if left to fully ripen. Awarded an RHS AGM, it forms an attractive fruit tree with unusually large, white blossom in late spring.

Hedera helix ‘Glacier’

This vigorous Ivy will quickly scale walls and fences to create an evergreen patchwork of attractive, lobed foliage. Dark green and silvery grey leaves, are each edged with irregular, bright cream margins.

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Rotschwanz’

A stunning lacecap Hydrangea with dramatic, wine-red sterile flowers which are curiously cross-shaped. These surround clusters of pretty, pink-white fertile flowers for a lovely contrast. As with other Hydrangea macrophylla, the flowers change colour depending on your soil pH, taking on rich purple hues in more acid soils. Compact in habit, Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Rotschwanz’ is

Betula pendula (clump)

A superb choice for coastal areas where bearing masses of fragrant, golden, pea-like flowers that will brighten the garden from March to April.

Rhubarb ‘Raspberry Red’ (Autumn Planting)

Vigorous plants producing a good crop of tender, well coloured and flavoured sticks