Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Clematis Parisienne™ evipo019

Clematis ‘Parisienne’ is suffused with colour throughout the summer months. The soft violet flowers are produced in abundance from May to July, with a second late summer flush that continues into autumn.

Pruning Saw

A pristine, picture perfect garden doesn?t have to be difficult to maintain. This study pruning saw has razor sharp teeth, with a rust-resistant steel blade that will simply tear through branches of up to 5 inches thick.

100 Cottage Garden Alliums

These magnificent Allium bulbs produce an explosion of colour, followed by architectural seedheads that create a spectacular autumn display. Undemanding and easy to grow, these magnificent Allium flowers are also excellent for cutting. Collection comprises of the following bulb varieties:3 x Allium ‘Purple Sensation’21 x Allium neopolitanum25 x Allium roseum43 x Allium sphaerocephalon5 x Allium

Veronica x media ‘First Love’

Upright pink flower spikes are carried for weeks in summer, above a compact mound of bright green foliage. This neat little Speedwell is ideal for the front of perennial borders, where butterflies find it particularly attractive.

Buddleja ‘Buzz® Magenta’

A new twist on a much-loved garden favourite, ‘Buzz’® is the world’s first patio buddleja! These attractive, compact plants are loved by bees and butterflies, but won’t take over your garden. Buddleja ‘Buzz® Magenta’ is easy to grow and problem-free with a super long-flowering period. Perfectly proportioned for patio pots and smaller gardens. Height and

Fritillaria imperialis Duo

Everything about this duo is BIG; from the bulbs to the bright final display! Highly exotic in appearance, with lush colouring and a ‘spiky hair-do’ of a flower head, these are easy bulbs to establish in borders.

Quinoa ‘Rainbow’

Increasingly popular as a wheat free alternative to starchy grains as it is a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids and is naturally high in dietary fi bre. Sown as an annual, quinoa is easy to grow in a sunny spot. Tall growing to about 180cm. Collect seed heads when ripe as leaves

Clematis Kitty™ evipo097

Elegant in its simplicity, Clematis ‘Kitty’ produces shapely, pristine white blooms with contrasting violet stamens. This free flowering cultivar will bloom almost constantly throughout summer with a second flush that will continue into autumn.

Leek ‘Musselburgh’ (Sow Clear)

A fine strain of this well known, reliable mid season variety. Producing heavy crops of short, thick stems with an excellent flavour and tender texture when cooked. Leek ‘Musselburgh’ is exceptionally hardy and stands well in even the coldest winter weather, making it a popular choice for growing in cold areas.

Potentilla fruticosa ‘Pretty Polly’

The woody stems of this Shrubby Cinquefoil are clothed in tiny green foliage. From midsummer, cup shaped, clear pink flowers cover the plant and continue right through to early autumn.

Californian Poppy ‘Monarch Mixed’ (Sow Clear)

A regal mix of semi-double and single blooms in cerise, carmine, red, orange and yellow. These dainty hardy annuals are tougher than they appear and positively thrive on poor, dry soils.

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Sensation Mixed’ (Sow Clear)

A tall, upright variety for the back of sunny borders. Cosmos ‘Sensation Mixed’ produces masses of daisy-like flowers above delicate ferny foliage throughout summer and autumn.

Lavender ‘Heavenly Night’

Lavender ‘Heavenly Night’ boasts a profusion of slender dark violet flowers with a distinctive fragrance. The narrow, grey-green foliage is highly aromatic and remains evergreen.

Lavender ‘Devonshire Compact’

As indicated by its name, this low growing cultivar has a neat, compact habit. Throughout summer Lavender ‘Devonshire Compact’ bears a profusion of blue flower spikes topped with distinctive purple bracts.

Hebe pinguifolia ‘Pagei’

Hebe come in all shapes and sizes! This one is low growing with a dense, spreading habit. Small, fleshy, silver leaves cover the stems all year round, accompanied by short white flower spikes in May and June, which are loved by bees and butterflies.

Clematis Chantilly™ evipo021

This hard working Clematis is already producing a second flush of flowers even before the first blooms fade! Feminine palest pink petals, each striped with a darker pink bar, stand out nicely against the dark green foliage. Clematis ‘Chantilly’ is an ideal choice for a slightly shaded spot, where its glimmering blooms are less prone

Clematis Fleuri™ evipo042

The opulent blooms of Clematis ‘Fleuri’ make a magnificent sight. From early summer to August, this colourful clematis bears wide, rich-purple flowers with a plum-red stripe to the centre of each petal.

Rhodanthemum ‘Casablanca’

Commonly known as the Morroccan Daisy, this cheery little plant has a charming simplicity. This hard working hardy perennial bears white daisy flowers in spring with a second flush in late summer.

Euphorbia x martini ‘Baby Charm’

Euphorbia x martinii ‘Baby Charm’ is a particularly compact hybrid, forming a neat, shapely mound. Upright, branching stems of bronze-green foliage are topped with bracts of apple green flowers in spring.

Clematis Alaina™ evipo056

Wide, bright pink blooms with darker pink bars down the centre of each petal make an eye-catching display. As the flowers mature they fade through several shades of pink, unless grown in shade where the blooms will keep their vivid colour for longer.