Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Dianthus plumarius ‘Ipswich Pinks Mixed’

Ipswich Pinks were made famous by Joseph Sangster, the breeder and proprietor of T&M from 1913-52. They create a solid mass of colour in pinks, reds, bicolours and white, above blue foliage that is close and tightly knit. Ground smothering weed suppressors, they remain evergreen (blue). Floriferous and fragrant, they are welcome cut flowers and

Yucca filamentosa

Also known as Adam’s needle and thread, this unusual architectural plant forms a low clump of evergreen sword-shaped leaves with curious, fine curly filaments along the the leaf edges. From late summer, a truly spectacular flower spike emerges, rocketing up to 2 metres in height! The large waxy, creamy coloured flowers nod elegantly and are

Silene colorata ‘Pink Pirouette’

Liven up your summer bedding displays with this unusual annual. Silene colorata ‘Pink Pirouette’ boasts pretty, pale pink flowers with spoon-shaped petals.

Viola hybrida ‘Miniola Heart Purple’

Whether you sow them for winter displays or late spring and summer colour, this cute Viola really packs a punch! Small flowers are borne in profusion above neat, branching stems and handsome, dark green foliage. The royal purple flowers each boast a contrasting golden face with delicate whisker-like markings.

Cabbage ‘Summer Jewel’

This summer cabbage is very slow to heart. The smooth, dark green leaves carry no stalk, leading to quicker prep and less wastage in the kitchen.

Leek ‘Northern Lights’ F1 Hybrid

A visually stunning leek with great flavour. Ideal for the show bench and the kitchen. This British-bred maincrop leek variety shows excellent winter hardiness, allowing for harvests through December to March. The blue-green leaves turn a stunning shade of purple as the coldest winter temperatures set in. Brighten up your winter veg patch and your

Nasturtium ‘Chameleon’

Not only do the summer flowers look like exotic orchids, they also change colour ? the switch needs to be seen to be believed! Height 20-25cm (8-10in).

Weigela ‘Nain Rouge’

Weigela ‘Nain Rouge’ has a dwarf rounded habit with gently cascading branches that are covered in bloom from May to June.

Trollius ‘Dancing Flame’

This Trollius has everything you’d want from a border perennial; contained vigour, long flowering habit, carefree attitude, and years of garden performance! The glorious orange blooms just keep on coming right though early summer for 8 weeks of vibrant colour. This hardy herbaceous perennial thrives in moist soils but will cope with draught conditions once

Cabbage ‘Tantour’ F1 Hybrid (Summer)

British bred multipurpose cabbage for ‘greens’ at close spacing or ‘full heart’. Compact with dark green outer leaves and bright green pointed solid hearts, short cored, average 500g. Sow February-April. Harvest June-November.

Weigela florida ‘Milk and Honey’

Named for its beautiful pure white, bell-shaped flowers which emerge from ivory coloured buds throughout May and June. Weigela florida ‘Milk and Honey’ is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with variegated dark green and pale lime leaves. Even after flowering has finished, the variegated leaves add interest to borders and make an excellent backdrop for late

Clematis Angelique™ evipo017

The delicate colours of Clematis ‘Angelique’ make an elegant display. Pale mauve blue flowers fill the stems, flowering at the leaf axils as well as the stems tips for a full column of late spring colour, often repeat flowering in late summer.

Clematis Bourbon™ evipo018

A lovely compact variety, with sumptuous bright pink petals that contrast nicely with its golden stamens. The single blooms of this large-flowered clematis stand out beautifully against its mid-green foliage.

Clematis Rebecca™ evipo016

The best ?true red? clematis that you will find! The pillar-box red blooms of Clematis ?Rebecca? are particularly unusual in the Clematis world, making this a most sought-after variety. This hardy climber is particularly free flowering, blooming from early summer right through to autumn.

Clematis The Countess Of Wessex™ evipo073

This elegant variety is the perfect choice for those tricky north facing positions. The large flowers of Clematis ‘The Countess Of Wessex’ will light up shaded corners with their gleaming white petals, each striped with a pale pink central bar.

Stock ‘Night Scented’ (Sow Clear)

Deliciously scented flowers which open in the evening. Sow anywhere that is close enough to the house to get the benefit of such a beautiful fragrance. Below windows, patio tubs, window boxes, even a small sowing in hanging baskets.

Thuja plicata ‘Whipcord’

Thuja plicata ‘Whipcord’ is an enchanting conifer with arching branches that, with maturity, form a wide, shallow dome. The foliage of this delightful conifer turns to shades of deep orange in winter. Thuja plicata ‘Whipcord’ is a dwarf variety of Western Red Cedar and, with its distinctive appearance, makes a great rockery or border centrepiece.

Thuja orientalis ‘Fleck’

Thuja orientalis ‘Fleck’ is an ideal focal point for the centre of a bed or border, where you can really appreciate its shape and delicately variegated foliage. Its rich green, almost scale-like leaves sit upright, each one lightly flecked with creamy-white splashes, in a pleasingly rounded oval shape. Hardy evergreen shrubs that are very easy

Monopsis ‘Regal Purple’

Pumpkin ‘Big Max’

A popular variety for its all round use in the kitchen and on the show bench