Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Cabbage savoy ‘All Season Collection’
Escallonia ‘C.F. Ball’
Escallonia ‘C.F. Ball’ makes a wonderful hedge if planted in a row. It is fast growing, with evergreen, glossy foliage, that is great for screening. From summer until autumn the shrub becomes covered in crimson red, tubular flowers. This Escallonia is also a nice individual addition to a herbaceous perennial border. It is a robust
Hollyhock ‘Good Golly Miss Holly’
Wildflowers ‘Woodland Shade Mix’
Zinnia elegans ‘Cupid’ Mixed
Oenothera versicolor ‘Sunset Boulevard’
Well branched plants, red stemmed with rich green, lanceolate foliage. The striking flowers are in whorls, vivid orange/red when fully open and when over, turn to red. Like many Oenotheras, the combination of open and spent bloom together, is stunning. This very choice plant makes a wonderful addition to the perennial border and because it
Wildflowers ‘Classic Meadow Mix’
Wildflowers ‘Ultimate Mix’
Sweet Pea ‘Eleanore Udall’
This hardy annual is a new strain of Sweet Pea that has been bred for its pretty, pink flowers and sweet scent. When given plenty of sunlight, these blooms will appear throughout the summer. They make a great addition to cut flower gardens as well as to walls and fences in cottage gardens. Sweet Pea
Lobelia x speciosa ‘Fan Mixed’
As good as three plants in one, Lobelia x speciosa ‘Fan Mixed’ has spires of flowers in shades of crimson, mauve and pink. This exotic Lobelia fans out with graceful arching stems, each spire bearing a colourful mass of small starry-shaped trumpet flowers. The leaves are a lovely dark bronze-green. This Lobelia likes to grow
Carrot ‘Flyaway’ F1 Hybrid
British bred Carrot ‘Flyaway’ was developed especially for its resistance to Carrot Root Fly making it less susceptible to attack than many other varieties. A naturally very sweet tasting variety with smooth skinned, blunt ended roots and a good orange skin and root colour. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 15cm (6)
Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Xanthos’
Unique soft-yellow blooms are produced in profusion on compact dwarf plants, bringing real impact to patio containers, beds and borders. This early flowering cosmos will start to bloom in as little as 70 days from sowing, going on to offer six months of colour from May to October – keep on top of the deadheading
Pea ‘All Season Collection’
Freshly picked peas are the crowning glory of a veg patch, nothing beats them for flavour! Get four months of easy pickings with our collection. You’ll be amazed at Terrain – plants will stand disease-free through to autumn. Anubis brings the earliest crops, while Jaguar and Starlight plug the mid season gap.This collection comprises:AnubisJaguarStarlightTerrain
Wild Rocket ‘Dragon’s Tongue’
Nerine bowdenii ‘Alba’
Onion ‘Vulcan’ (Spring Planting)
British breeding of early brown onions brings us this new variety which is an earlier-ripening hybrid of the increasingly popular ‘Rumba’. The slightly deeper, round bulbs have thinner necks and good resistance to bolting. Best planted from late February for early harvest in late July. Bulbs will store for up to 12 weeks