Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Nigella bucharica ‘Blue Stars’

Small and pretty, rather flat lavender blue flowers grow on dwarf, loose-branching, open and feathery plants. Free-flowering and easy-to-grow hardy annual. Also known as the Emir of Buchara or Asian Love-in-a-Mist. Just throw to sow and grow. Summer flowering is followed by attractive seed pods.

Poppy ‘Peony Flowered Mixed’ (Paeoniiflorum group)

Up to 4in double blooms, grey-green leaves and large seed pods for winter decoration.

Hollyhock ‘Chater’s Double Apricot’

This magnificent strain, with fully double flowers of rich apricot on tall imposing spikes of blooms, gives an air of stately splendour. One of the finest background plants for the border and is equally effective when grown in small groups. Usually flowers in its second year. Flowers mid to late summer. Height 15-2m (5-6ft).

Foxglove ‘Candy Mountain Peach’

Following the success of ‘Candy Mountain’ and ‘Snowy Mountain’ comes the next individual colour in the ‘Mountain’ foxglove series. With the same upward-facing flowers as its cousins, ‘Candy Mountain Peach’ is the perfect choice for planting at the back of cottage garden borders where the unusual colour of its peach-tinged and delicately dotted trumpets will

Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Arizona Red Shades’

Providing the same spectacular garden performance as customer favourite ‘Arizona Sun’, we are pleased to offer a spectacular new dwarf gaillardia from seed – ‘Arizona Red Shades’. They are long-flowering and low-maintenance, perfect for containers and for filling gaps at the front of a border. Flowering in their first year, colourful blooms sit neatly above

Echinacea x hybrida ‘Magic Box’

One of the most comprehensive mixtures of colours available. Each bloom has been carefully selected and bred by our flower breeders for its stunning form as well as its superior garden performance. The tall colourful flowers look fabulous in borders or in a vase in the house

Physostegia virginiana ‘Summer Snow’

Prolific dazzling tubular flower spikes. Cutting and border

Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’

A profusion of bright flowers up to 5in across on bushy plants

Sweet Pea ‘High Scent’

Widely regarded as one of the most fragrant sweet peas available! This beautifully delicate variety bears creamy-coloured petals with subtle violet-blue picotee edges and a heavenly perfume.

Sedum ‘Rock Garden Mixed’

Harvest permitting includes: S. reflexion, S. spathulifolium, S. album hybrids, S. aizoon and many others in full foliage and flowering colour range

Zinnia marylandica ‘Zahara Starlight Rose’

Truly spectacular 2010 AAS award-winning bedding plant! The pretty white flowers with an attractive pinky-rose centre are 6cm (25in) across when fully open. Bushy, dwarf plants flower freely and are so tolerant of such conditions as heat, humidity and drought that they were planted extensively in floral displays at the Beijing OlympicsNon-stop-flowering Zinnia Zahara Starlight

Tomato ‘Falcorosso’ F1 Hybrid 6 Seeds

BushEarly to ripen, Tomato ‘Falcorosso’ produces supermarket quality, large cherry-sized, plum shaped fruits with up to 20 cherry tomatoes produced per truss. This excellent bush variety is ideal for growing in the greenhouse and shows great resistance to Fusarium, Verticillium Wilt, Cladosporium and Mosaic Virus. Due to their wide ranging pest and disease resistance, there

Aquilegia ‘Magpie’

The striking black bonnets of Aquilegia ‘Magpie’ make a superb contrast with the white corolla. The exquisite blooms of this classic cottage garden perennial are carried on wiry stems, set above pretty ferny foliage. This hardy Columbine is perfect for en masse in borders and shady woodland edges, and makes an attractive cut flower for

Centranthus ‘Star Ruber Mixed’

A beautiful border plant beloved by bees and butterflies. Mixture contains three colours: rose, white and maroon. Plants are lightly fragrant, long flowering and may also be used as a cut flower

Coreopsis tinctoria ‘Roulette’

Stunning mahogany-red blooms, each with a second row of eye-catching golden petals, create a very special effect. Fabulous planted in drifts, mingled with other plants and flowers, giving height to annual borders, ‘Coreopsis Roulette will flower all summer until first frosts. Excellent cut flower

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Rubenza’

Wonderfully easy-to-grow plants which flower all summer until the first frosts. The dark, ruby-red blooms of Cosmos bippinatus Rubenza change to a lovely traditional rose red as they mature – their outstanding colour has earned them a Fleuroselect Novelty award. Cosmos bippinatus Rubenza shows excellent garden performance, especially planted in borders in drifts

Marigold ‘Single Legion of Honour’

More than 150 years old and still going strong, the heirloom variety of French Marigold Single Legion of Honour continues to perform well in the garden. These bushy, mid-height French marigolds will quickly become smothered in a mass of single, golden-yellow flowers with pretty dark brown markings. French Marigold Single Legion of Honour is a

Crambe cordifolia

Massive ornamental plant for ji border and decoration. Long sprays of white flowers and impressive glossy foliage

Penstemon ‘Miniature Bells’

Stunning, miniature bells in pink, purple and rose shades, complemented by dwarf attractive blue- green foliage. Flowering over a long period in borders or containers

Achillea millefolium ‘Summer Pastels’ F2 Hybrid

A completely new concept in hardy perennials. Achillea Summer Pastels is easy to grow, flowering in just 4 months from sowing and producing lots of flowers from spring to first frosts. The colour range of Achillea Summer Pastels is too wide to describe but includes cream, butter, lemon, all imaginable shades of salmon, orange, red,