Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Gazania ‘Big Kiss White Flame’ F1 Hybrid

A ‘Bigaddition to the ‘KissGazania series. Possibly the largest-flowered bedding gazania from seed, the flowers of Gazania Big Kiss are 50% bigger than those of traditional varieties – each bloom is an amazing 12cm (4 1/2in) in diameter! The white and rose striped petals of Gazania Big Kiss White Flame are simply stunning. Flowers all

Climbing Bean ‘Pantheon’

Helda’ type stringless flat 25mm (10) wide, 25cm (10) long.

Pea ‘Kenobi’ (Maincrop)

Extend the sowing season with this major development in pea breeding. In our UK trials, seed was sown in late July and pods were starting to swell by mid October. Good downy and powdery mildew resistance also helps to maximise cropping and prolong the season. This semi-leafless variety is virtually self supporting when grown in

Eccremocarpus scaber ‘Anglia Hybrids Mixed’

T&M INTRODUCTION. Pink, scarlet, crimson, yellow and orange nodding tubular blooms. Self-clinging fine annual or perennial climber. Hardy in all but elevated or northerly areas, also makes a superb climber for the greenhouse or conservatory. Flowers summer to autumn. Climber.

Nasturtium ‘Double Delight Cream’

On T&M’s trials this was the best top flowering double Nasturtium. Gorgeous double to semi-double large cream blooms with a hint of lime, smother the bushy mid-green foliage. Nasturtium Double Delight Cream is easy to grow, freely-flowering all summer.

Helenium autumnale ‘Sunshine Hybrids’

A dazzling colour range of flowers, making a spectacular autumn display in perennial borders. Height: 60-120cm (2-4ft)

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Rubenza’

Wonderfully easy-to-grow plants which flower all summer until the first frosts. The dark, ruby-red blooms of Cosmos bippinatus Rubenza change to a lovely traditional rose red as they mature – their outstanding colour has earned them a Fleuroselect Novelty award. Cosmos bippinatus Rubenza shows excellent garden performance, especially planted in borders in drifts

Marigold ‘Single Legion of Honour’

More than 150 years old and still going strong, the heirloom variety of French Marigold Single Legion of Honour continues to perform well in the garden. These bushy, mid-height French marigolds will quickly become smothered in a mass of single, golden-yellow flowers with pretty dark brown markings. French Marigold Single Legion of Honour is a

Crambe cordifolia

Massive ornamental plant for ji border and decoration. Long sprays of white flowers and impressive glossy foliage

Penstemon ‘Miniature Bells’

Stunning, miniature bells in pink, purple and rose shades, complemented by dwarf attractive blue- green foliage. Flowering over a long period in borders or containers

Achillea millefolium ‘Summer Pastels’ F2 Hybrid

A completely new concept in hardy perennials. Achillea Summer Pastels is easy to grow, flowering in just 4 months from sowing and producing lots of flowers from spring to first frosts. The colour range of Achillea Summer Pastels is too wide to describe but includes cream, butter, lemon, all imaginable shades of salmon, orange, red,

Phlox drummondii ‘Phlox of Sheep’

Phlox of Sheepis a garden annual of exceptional quality and character. This totally unique and exclusive blend of pastel hues and bicolours, through pinks, yellows, apricot, red and then pure white is the result of many years work. The gorgeous different colours come together to give a plethora of flower and soft colour during the

Gloxinia speciosa ‘Brocade Double Mixed’ F1 Hybrid

Gloxinia Brocade Double Mixed is a 100% fully double-flowering Gloxinia. Plants are extremely dwarf and compact with small dark green, velvety foliage covered with these lovely double blooms in a range of five colours including purple, red, pink, purple/white bicolour and red/white bicolour. Gloxinia Brocade Double Mixed is a colourful and early flowering houseplant that

Phlox ‘Creme Brulee’

Nicotiana langsdorffii

A delightful annual from Chile and Brazil with tall branching stems and drooping sprays of apple green bells. Very exotic, yet easy to grow. Ideal for the back of the border or as a ‘dotplant among smaller bedding plants. Try growing it next to our Salvia pratensis, it looks superb. An absolute must for the

Dianthus chinensis heddewigii ‘Victoriana’

Clarkia ‘Apple Blossom’

An exquisite colour, a rave for flower arrangers, soft apricot pink with a touch of white. With excellent vigour and free flowering over a very long season, the tall plants also mix well in perennial borders. Lovely for cutting. Grow in full sun. Flowers summer. Height 12m (3-4ft)

Calendula officinalis ‘Porcupine’

An exciting variety with vivid orange, pointed blooms and attractive quilled petals, giving the flowers a wild, spiky effect. The distinctive flowers make a stunning cut flower and can also be added to salads as an edible flower. Quick and easy to grow, Calendula ‘Porcupine’ copes in almost any garden situation, and even grows well

Angels’ Trumpets

Richly scented blooms. Bushy and compact. Patio feature. Height: 5m (15ft)

Datura metel ‘Double Blackcurrant Swirl’

A dynamic border, container or conservatory plant with large, beautifully double frilled flowers of blackcurrant and lilac-mauve. The many flowers are earlier than most and continue through to frosts outdoors. Flowers mid summer-autumn. Height 14m. (5ft)