Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Oenothera ‘Lemon Sunset’

An exquisite Evening Primrose with beautiful 10cm (4in) soft-yellow flowers that mature by changing to an attractive sunset-red. Ideal for adding height to borders, as well as a delicate evening fragrance to your gardenHeight 90-100cm (36-40in).

Penstemon x hybrida ‘Lilac Frost’

Probably the most winter-hardy, resilient Penstemon we have ever found! Bushy mounds of deep green foliage are enhanced by unusual frosty white, bicoloured blooms. Flowers throughout the summer in borders or large containers

Agave (Mixed)

A wide selection with many unusual forms. Ideal for dish gardens, carboys. Long-lasting and trouble free

Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander Blue’

Originating in the mountainous regions of Europe, this vigorous and hardy perennial has been very successfully bred and selected from the wild form. Its lovely flower spikes of deep violet-blue blooms make a great choice for the front of borders and will serve as excellent ground cover as wellOften known as ‘self heal- the foliage

Polemonium boreale ‘Heavenly Habit’

Attractive clusters of violet-blue flowers, each with a distinct golden yellow eye, look divine against the bushy, deep green foliage. Their dwarf habit makes them idea! in the front of borders, or even containers. If deadheads are removed regularly, plants will continue to flower throughout the summer

Ipomoea x sloteri ‘Cardinal Climber’

Stunning bright red blooms with unusual serrated foliage.

Amaranthus caudatus ‘Fat Spike’

Highly attractive erect fat spikes in deep purplish red, from 3 inch thick tapering to 1 inch, as if standing guard. Ideal as a border filler, and for flower arranging. Height: 90-100cm (3-4ft)

Miscanthus ‘Purpurascens’

This low maintenance perennial ornamental grass is perfect for extending the season of interest in your garden right through autumn. Miscanthus ?Purpurascens? grows quickly between spring and summer, forming an attractive clump of mauve-tinged grassy foliage with tall upright stems which provide a good screen.

Mirabilis longiflora

Spectacular and highly fragrant 10- 15cm (4-6in) long ‘trumpetflowers of Mirabilis longiflora open at dusk and close the following morning, filling the garden with their night time scent. The white and pale pink flowers with their dark pink centres sometimes reach 20cm (8in) long and their curling, magenta stamens are even longer, often projecting up

Centranthus ruber ‘Snowcloud’

Attractive pure white selection. Ideal for attracting beneficial insects into the garden. Very long flowering and can be used as a cut flower

Red Hot Poker ‘T&M Special Hybrids’

Make your borders glow with red hot colour in summer with this vibrant Kniphofia ‘T&M Special Hybrids’ collection. These red hot pokers bloom in molten shades of red, orange and yellow and will certainly turn up the heat in your summer colour schemes.

Dianthus plumarius ‘Sweetness Mixed’

A true breakthrough! First year flowering from July to September from an early (February) sowing, producing heavily scented pinks. Dwarf, bushy, spreading plants; ideal for cottage or perennial borders. Easy to maintain – simply trim spent blooms with shears at the end of the season.

Foxglove ‘Snowy Mountain’

Hot on the heels of Foxglove Candy Mountain, this striking white version has been developed by flower breeders. Each unique upward-facing bloom is peppered inside with delicate purple spots which will tempt bees and other insects. Tall sturdy spires of flowers will create an eye-catching display in cottage garden borders. Will grow in any garden

Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘T&M Reselected Hybrids’

3-4in semi-double blooms from crimson to yellow, many boldly zoned and bicoloured. Extremely long flowering. Ideal for flower arrangements and border impact. Flowers in its first season from an early sowing. Flowers summer to autumn. Height 60cm (24in).

Helenium puberulum ‘Autumn Lollipop’

A curious plant for the front of the border. Autumn Lollipop boasts heads of rustic yellow and bronze with a small basal frill of ruffled petals. Highly ornate and also an extremely original cut flower. Height: 60-90cm (24-36in)

Ricinus communis ‘Impala’

Striking maroon/carmine young growth. Clusters of creamy yellow blooms, followed by maroon pods. Height: 90-120cm (3-4ft). Additional Comments: These seeds are poisonous

Amsonia tabernaemontana

Starry clusters of elegant pale blue Amsonia flowers appear from spring to midsummer. This rarely seen perennial deserves better recognition in gardens for its long flowering period and reliable performance year after year. Amsonia tabernaemontana grows happily in sun or dappled shade and copes well with drought. An attractive and unusual addition to garden borders

Marigold ‘Striped Marvel’

Raised by a Scottish T&M customer. We are delighted to introduce such a refreshing break in colour. Each petal is evenly divided by a red and yellow stripe and this produces a thoroughly eye-catching effect. The bushy, uniform plants produce masses of flowers, excellent for bedding and particularly good for cutting, lasting well in water.

Cyperus papyrus

Ancient Egyptians flattened and dried the stems of this decorative grass to make a form of paper. Best suited to houseplant culture, where plants need high humidity and moisture. Large clumps will throw up umbrella-like heads of grassy globes

Petunia grandiflora ‘Double Cascade Burgundy Plum Vein’ F1 Hybrid

Giant, fully double flowers of burgundy or plum veined, often more than 10cm (4in) across! Add to this its cascading habit and you have one of the very best basket and container plants creating a waterfall of pleated powderpuffs all summer long. Height: 23-30cm (9-12in). Growing tip: Get the best out of your petunias with