Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Gourd ‘Dinosaur’

A prehistoric looking, large, green, wrinkled skinned, bottle shaped gourd, ideally used as an eye-catching climber or for ground cover. Pick and use fruits for interesting autumn decorations. Dry fruits fully in a cool, airy position before painting the skins. Climber/Trailing 120-180cm (4-6ft)

Moluccella laevis ‘Bells Of Ireland’

Cabbage ‘Sir’ F1 Hybrid (Summer/Autumn)

Truly ‘gardener-friendly’, this ‘Primo type’ cabbage is ideal for summer and autumn harvesting, standing well in all weather conditions without splitting, rotting or bolting. An added bonus is its tolerance to mildew and other foliage diseases, making ‘Sir’ a great choice for the home gardener. Compact plants produce a flavoursome 1kg dark green, short-cored, dense

Begonia x tuberhybrida ‘Non-Stop® Mixed’ F1 Hybrid

If it’s colour that you’re after, then look no further than Begonia ‘Non-Stop Mixed’! The fully double flowers come in a boisterous range of shades, that jostle for attention containers, beds and borders.

Convolvulus ‘Tricolor Blue Ensign’

Petunia ‘Waves Mixed’ F1 Hybrid

Quite unique for ‘flower powerand its exceptional trailing habit. One of the best Petunias for ground cover, baskets and Flower PouchesT. Non-stop flowering even during heavy rain. Height: 15cm (6in) spreading to 90cm (3ft). Growing tip: Get the best out of your petunias with our specially formulated Petunia Fertiliser – the perfect balance of nutrients

Marigold ‘Crackerjack Mixed’

Big, bold double flowers in orange, gold and lemon borne well above the foliage. A very early and free flowering strain Flowers summer. Height 24in

Coleus ‘Wizard Mixed’

A superior mixture and selection. Dwarfer, more base branching, without the need to ‘pinch out’. Height: 30-45cm (12-18in)

Dianthus ‘Elegance Pink’ F1 Hybrid

Elegant double, lightly scented, lacy flowers are produced on medium height, bushy plants with masses of well- branched, strong stems that require not stem support. Creates a gracious display in annual borders as well as making a long lasting garden cut flower. Height: 45-60cm (18-24 inches)

Osteospermum ‘African Sun’

Bushy, free-flowering plants, like a radiant sun with eye-catching golden yellow and vibrant orange bicoloured blooms. Stunning n containers as well as hot, dry borders, attracting bees and butterflies. Plant with African Moon for a perfect combination. Height: 30-45cm (12-18 inches)

Primula capitata ‘Noverna Deep Blue’

First year flowering. Attractive deep blue flower heads, held aloft by intriguing powdery white stems, above contrasting grey-green foliage. Adds an eye-catching display to borders and containers from summer into autumn. Height: 25-30cm (10-12in)

Begonia x tuberhybrida ‘Chanson Orange & Yellow Bicolour’ F1 Hybrid

Trailing stems up to 45cm (18in) An outstanding basket variety producing long trailing stems, smothered in large double and semi-double Camelia-like flowers, in two spectacular bicolour shades. Ideal for filling baskets, window boxes or Flower PouchesT with colour, from July right though to October. Height: 23-30cm (9-12in). Stems trail to 80cm (32in) in length.

Tanacetum coccineum ‘T&M Superb Mixture’

Easily grown and in full beauty when the last of the spring flowers have faded and before most of the summer kinds are in bloom. An excellent mixture of semi-double and single flowers in red, white, pink and rose. Height: 75-90cm (30-36in)

Dianthus ‘Elegance Lavender’ F1 Hybrid

Elegant double, lightly scented, lacy flowers are produced on medium height, bushy plants with masses of well- branched, strong stems that require not stem support. Creates a gracious display in annual borders as well as making a long lasting garden cut flower. Height: 45-60cm (18-24 inches).

Larkspur ‘Splish Splash’

Viscaria occulata ‘Patio Mixed’

An easy to grow container or border filler, with attractive, dainty, single, pink, red, blue and white flowers. Looks spectacular planted in large drifts, where the slender dwarf stems of flowers, glisten in the summer sunshine. Height 25-30cm (10-12 inches)

Dahlia ‘Black Beauty’

Dark velvety blooms appear black until the sun settles on them, revealing a deep maroon shimmer. Height 35cm (14in).

Delphinium x cultorum ‘Tall Black Knight’

Tall, robust, candle-like flower spikes packing with attractive, deep blue blooms, each complemented by a striking large black bee in the centre. A stunning addition to any border. Height: 120-150cm (4-5ft)

Stocks ‘Hot Cakes’ Mixed

Californian Poppy ‘Summer Sorbet’

One of the best new colours to be introduced in recent years, with its mouth-watering combination of rose-pink outer petals, and a delicious creamy white centre. These dainty hardy annuals are tougher than they appear and positively thrive on poor, dry soils. The papery flowers attract bees and hoverflies, and make excellent, if short-lived, cut