Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams’®

An elegant, high quality border plant resulting from T&M’s own breeding program. Tall, stately flower spikes packed with many fully double, power-puff blooms of peachy-cream, some with a tinge of raspberry-pink. Best grown in groups at the back of the border. Flowers mid to late summer. Height 15-2m. (5-6ft).

Polyanthus ‘Large Flowered Mixed’

One of the most beautiful of all spring-flowering plnats. Vigourous in habit, it produces a profusion of large blooms in a delightful range of colours from white through to cream and yellow to orange and crimson.

Pansy ‘Petite Mixed’ F1 Hybrid

T&M believe that this is The Best Winter Flowering Pansy! Earlier and more floriferous than many old favourites, with the widest colour spectrum imaginable. Very dwarf, compact plants, flowering over a long period in borders and containers. Height: 15-23cm (6-9in).

Dianthus plumarius ‘Sonata’

Flowering all summer with very double, fragrant classic cottage garden pinks. Flowers 16-18 weeks from sowing.

Mimulus x hybridus ‘Monkey Magic’ F1 Hybrid

Attractive 5cm (2 inch) pure white monkey flowers, mysteriously splashed with vibrant red spots, Flowering from early summer when as if by magic, your shady borders and containers will be transformed. Height: 15-23cm (6-9in)

Pansy ‘Water Colours Mixed’ F1 Hybrid

Create a masterpiece with this fine mixture of the most delicate shades which has been an unqualified success wherever T&M have shown it. The colours work together in a way that brings raptuous comments wherever it is seen and it has performed well under adverse weather conditions both for colour, winter/ spring and summer flowering,

Runner Bean ‘Celebration’

This RHS AGM variety is particularly high yielding, producing an abundance of tender beans with an excellent flavour. The pods of Runner Bean ‘Celebration’ are fleshy, straight, smooth, and almost stringless when young. With its pretty peach-pink flowers this attractive runner bean will look equally at home in your vegetable plot or your flower borders.

Dwarf Bean ‘Boston’ (Start-A-Garden? Range)

Dwarf Bean ‘Boston’ bears straight, round 15cm (6) long pods with a dark green colour and an excellent flavour. These sturdy, upright plants produce heavy crops over a long picking season. This RHS AGM variety is ideal for growing in containers. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 30cm (12)

Pea ‘Oasis’ (Maincrop)

(Maincrop) A British bred maincrop, Pea Oasis produces a huge yield of double pods per node, averaging 8 to 9 succulent, dark green peas per pod. Resistant to pea wilt, Pea Oasis also has good downy mildew resistance. Height: 60-70cm (24-28in)

Pea ‘Ceresa’ (Petit Pois)

An outstanding new ‘Petit Pois’. Plants are semi-leafless almost self supporting with an abundance of easy to pick, well-filled pointed pods, containing up to ten small, but deliciously sweet peas. Height 50cm (20in)

Broad Bean ‘Masterpiece Green Longpod’

A very good flavoured broad bean, with good pod length and remarkable table qualities. It may well be the best green-seeded variety, excellent for deep freezing and growing well under all conditions. Height: 75-90cm (30-36in)

Runner Bean ‘Desiree’

A very heavy cropping runner bean that crops well even in dry conditions. Runner Bean ‘Desiree’ produces long, broad pods up to 30cm (12) in length that are completely stringless. The beans of this white flowered variety produce few seeds, making them particularly flashy and flavoursome. Height: 3m (10′). Spread: 30cm (12)

Tomato ‘Tamina’

A ‘potato-leaved’ variety that produces excellent crops of particularly tasty, medium sized tomatoes. The rounded, rich red fruits attain average weights of 75g (2 1/2oz) and are especially well flavoured when cultivated outdoors, but can be grown in the greenhouse if preferred. Tomato ‘Tamina’ is best grown as a cordon but will require minimal training

Cucumber ‘Masterpiece’

Outdoor typeCucumber ‘Masterpiece’ is an early and reliable British selection for outdoor cultivation. This RHS AGM variety produces heavy crops of dark green skinned, slightly spined, 20cm (8) cucumbers. The crisp white flesh is tender and perfect for summer salads. Height: 3m (9′). Spread: 45cm (18)

Tomato ‘Ruby’ F1

Sweet, juicy, bite-sized fruits are borne in long trusses, each containing up to 30 tasty tomatoes. Tomato ?Ruby? is a productive variety with plenty of F1 vigour. This superb cherry tomato is perfect for snacking, adding to salads and popping into lunchboxes.

Tomato ‘Roma VF’

A specially bred plum tomato that is ideal for preserving and making ketchup, tomato juice and soups. Tomato ‘Roma VF’ produces fleshy, juicy, almost seedless fruits with a deliciously different flavour which makes it an excellent variety for eating fresh too. This semi-bush variety is very heavy cropping and has good resistance to verticillium and

Pumpkin ‘Jack Be Little’

These colourful little pumpkins measure just 7.5cm (3?) diameter and 5cm (2?) deep making them perfect for a tasty snack or serving in individual portions.

Cabbage ‘Hispi’ F1 Hybrid (Summer)

An outstanding variety. Ideal for small gardens. Cabbage Hispi can be grown at virtually any season of the year and comes to maturity faster than cabbages specially created for specific seasons. Even autumn sown it will beat the earliest of the spring cabbages. Hispi is a pointed type, strong and uniform and with a beautifully

Tomato ‘Stupice’

Tomato ‘Stupice’ is a cold tolerant, ‘potato leavedvariety from the Czech Republic that is suitable for growing outdoors or under glass. This early ripening variety produces clusters of medium, golf ball sized, red fruits with a lovely flavour. This heavy cropping cordon variety is delicious added to salads and sandwiches. Height: 200cm (79). Spread: 50cm

Cucumber ‘Cucino’ F1 Hybrid

Greenhouse/ Outdoors typePerfect lunchbox snacks – these exciting little ‘cucinocucumbers can be eaten straight from the plant without peeling. Cucumber ‘Cucino’ produces crisp, flavoursome mini-fruits prolifically throughout the season. This RHS AGM variety can be grown against supports in the greenhouse or in a sheltered position outdoors. Height: 3m (9′). Spread: 45cm (18)