Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Viola x williamsiana ‘Brush Strokes’

These very unusual and distinctive small viola faces produce a palette of colours as if individually brushed by an artist. Bushy, dwarf plants give outstanding garden performance in summer or autumn displays.

Broccoli ‘Spiridon’ F1 Hybrid (Calabrese)

The latest maturing variety with some good frost tolerance to extend the cutting of quality heads and ‘sideshoots’ well into the autumn. Calabrese Spiridon produces domed heads, average 400-500g on erect, open plants which allow good air circulation to minimise disease. Prefers moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Coriander ‘Calypso’

This British bred coriander has excellent bolting resistance and can be cut back and allowed to re-grow at least 3 times throughout the summer due to its extremely low growing point. This quick growing annual herb is best grown for its delicious foliage that can be added to salads, curries and soups. Height: 40cm (16).

Tomato ‘Losetto’

The first of its kind! An outstanding new cascading bush tomato with built-in blight resistance. Producing masses of sweet and juicy cherry tomatoes that can be harvested over a long period from July to September. Perfect for containers or planters in the greenhouse or on the patio, but can also be planted in a sunny

Poppy (Wild)

A sprinkling of scarlet red blooms among swaying meadow grasses creates the perfect picture of the British countryside. This iconic species of annual Wild Poppy is instantly recognisable by its gently fluttering petals.

Rudbeckia hirta ‘Rustic Dwarfs Mixed’

Long-stemmed plants with large flowers of rich yellow, gold, bronze and mahogany with black cone. An excellent subject for beds and borders, it will tolerate wet weather. Flowers late summer/autumn. Height only 60cm (24in)

Sweet Pea ‘Night and Day’

A plentiful supply of long stemmed blooms in richly contrasting shades of burgundy and white. These vigorous climbers are beautifully scented and make a superb summer display. The flowers of Sweet Pea ‘Night and Day’ are ideal for adding to cut flower arrangements. Height: 180cm (71). Spread: 30cm (12)

Sunflower ‘Dwarf Yellow Spray’

Now there’s something new! A completely original and amazing effect can be achieved with Dwarf Yellow Spray, this exciting new Sunflower. The neat, dwarf habit can be used to create an unusual hedge to enclose your beds and borders. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in). The green buds before the flower opens are delicious cooked in butter sauce

Agrostemma githago ‘Ocean Pearl’

Bred by Thompson & Morgan, this tall, erect Agrostemma bears unusual, large, pure white flowers with distinctive black speckled markings. Corn Cockle is an easy to grow annual and thrives on poor soils. The delicate flowers attract bees and make delightful cut flowers too. Height: 60cm (24). Spread: 30cm (12).

Celery ‘Red Martine’

A well-coloured selection of the traditional English celery. Long, heavy, thick, green stems with a lovely reddish tinge. Very winter hardy. Use crunchy stems and fine leaves in winter salads, soups and stews. Also a winner for the showbench.

Calendula officinalis nana ‘Citrus Cocktail’

This mouth-watering colour combination smothers the particularly dwarf, compact, bushy plants with alluring orange and golden yellow, daisy-like blooms. Unlike some bedding plants, Calendula ‘Citrus Cocktailkeeps on flowering throughout the summer, coping in almost any garden situation. It even grows well in coastal areas. The bright flowers are also excellent for cutting and can also

Lettuce ‘Lettony’ (Batavian)

A loose hearted Lettuce with the sweetest taste on our trials, and without the bitterness of normal Lettuces. Exceptional garden variety, standing in good condition whatever the weather without bolting or rotting. Excellent downy mildew resistance

Antirrhinum majus ‘Double Madame Butterfly Mixed’ F1 Hybrid

A flower in an entirely new form. Its large completely double, azalea-shaped blooms provide a riot of colour and its reliability and impressiveness are borne out by rare award of an All-America and All-Britain Selections Bronze Medal. Ideal for borders, bedding and superb cut flowers. Flowers summer. Height: 69-90cm (24-36in)

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Purity’

Ferny foliage and graceful pure white flowers up to 4in or more in diameter make this an effective and popular, easy annual. Flowers summer to autumn. Height 3 to 4 feet.

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Psyche Mixed’

Semi-double and single, large, waved, upright blooms distinct and charming. 80% true from seed as they can make fine cut flowers and can also be used as summer flowering pot plants for the cold greenhouse. Flowers summer to autumn. Height 36in.

Sunflower ‘Music Box’

Dwarf, with 4-5in flower heads.

Tomato ‘Cherry Cascade’

Basket/ ContainerPossibly the world’s most prolific cascading cherry tomato rewarding you with a massive number of sweet and juicy currant sized fruits throughout the summer. Tomato ‘Cherry Cascade’ is ideal for growing in a hanging basket or container and requires no sideshooting or training. Grow some outside your kitchen window for a convenient supply of

Spinach ‘Apollo’

Outstanding for yield, quality and bolting resistance as a ‘baby leaf’ variety, also very productive as a full sized plant. Dark green, thick, rounded leaves with resistance to all the modern races of downy mildew. Ideal for growing in containers

Tomato ‘Nimbus’ F1 Hybrid

CordonSimilar to ‘Moneymaker’ in fruit size, Tomato ‘Nimbus’ produces good crops of round, greenback-free fruits, weighing75g (2 1/2oz) each. The first trusses of this F1 hybrid are early to ripen, and good resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Fusarium and Cladosporium, makes this an excellent garden variety. Suitable for cultivating as a cordon outdoors or under

Californian Poppy ‘Fruit Crush’

A captivating mixture of upward facing blooms in a bold blend of citrus and berry shades. These dainty hardy annuals are tougher than they appear and positively thrive on poor, dry soils. The papery flowers attract bees and hoverflies, and make excellent, if short-lived, cut flowers. California poppies are easy to grow in beds and