Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Eremurus ‘Foxtrot’

Add the ?wow factor? to sheltered borders with the towering spires of Eremurus ?Foxtrot?. Better known as the Foxtail Lily, this long-lived perennial sends up magnificent spires of pale pink flowers in summer.

Blueberry ‘Top Hat’

This dwarf, compact variety is perfect for patios, balconies and small spaces. Blueberry ‘Top Hat’ makes a decorative pot plant, producing white blossom in spring and attractive bronze autumn foliage.

Rose ‘Scented Double Pink’

Ruffles of perfectly formed petals sculpt these exquisitely scented double blooms. This repeat flowering rose combines improvements in scent, form, and colour with enhanced disease resistance. A sensational addition to borders!

Rose ‘Scented Double White’

Ruffles of perfectly formed petals sculpt these exquisitely scented double blooms. This repeat flowering rose combines improvements in scent, form, and colour with enhanced disease resistance. A sensational addition to borders!

Ageratum houstonianum ‘Blue Mink’

This relatively old variety of flossflower remains popular for good reason. The compact, uniform plants bear large, fluffy, powder-blue flowers. With a vigorous, open habit, Ageratum houstonianum ‘Blue Mink’ is perfect for adding texture and colour to bedding, borders and containers. Try growing ageratum in wildlife gardens where they will attract butterflies to their blooms.

Candytuft ‘Dwarf Fairyland Mixed’

Very easy to grow, low compact plant that comes into flower quickly from seed. The colours of Candytuft Dwarf Fairyland Mixed radiate through lilac, silver, pink , maroon, carmine and white and after flowering leave behind exquisite seed heads- just right for everlasting flower arrangements

Deutzia crenata ‘Pride of Rochester’

Arching branches clothed in dark green leaves provide the perfect foil for panicles of star-shaped, white and pink-blushed flowers. The midsummer blooms fill the air with their alluring sweet perfume.

Dwarf Bean ‘Delinel’

Dwarf Bean ‘Delinel’ is an outstanding variety for both crop yield and flavour. The 15cm (6) mid green, stringless beans are of superb quality with dark black seeds within the pods. This RHS AGM variety has a long season if picked regularly, and shows good resistance to Bean Mosaic Virus and Anthracnose. Height: 45cm (18).

Parsnip ‘White Gem’ (Sow Clear)

A fine flavoured parsnip producing high yields of medium length, smooth skinned roots. This tried and tested variety has good canker resistance and reliably crops well on virtually any soil type, including shallow soils.

Alstroemeria ‘Sweet Laura’

Let this fragrant alstroemeria envelop your senses with its delicate perfume and sumptuous golden petals. The exotic yellow blooms, splashed with deep maroon, are borne in clusters on sturdy stems. This exceptionally hardy, compact perennial is so easy to grow.

Pea ‘Kelvedon Wonder’

Extremely popular and reliable variety for successional sowings throughout spring, and a particular favourite for June sowings, Pea Kelvedon Wonder produces huge crops of narrow pointed pods in pairs, averaging 7 or 8 succulent peas per pod. RHS AGM winner. Pea Kelvedon Wonder is resistant to Pea Wilt, tolerant to Downy Mildew.

Cauliflower ‘Aalsmeer’ (Spring)

An improved ‘Armado Apriltype. Cauliflower Winter Aalsmeer shows outstanding winter hardiness and produces well-protected, creamy white heads of good depth and weight. Matures gradually throughout April so extends the harvesting period. RHS AGM winner

Phlox drummondii ‘Dwarf Beauty Mixed’

A beautiful annual which blooms throughout a long summer season. It produces large solid heads of bright rich colours on dwarf bushy plants. Admirable for filling out summer beds sowing in drifts etc, and the flowers are splendid for cutting. Autumn sown plants make fine spring flowering pot plants for the cool greenhouse. Flowers early

Linum narbonense ‘Heavenly Blue’

One of the finest blue flowered plants. A profusion of luminous ultra-marine blue flowers

Berkheya purpurea

Large, mauve to white flowers above very prickly, dark green foliage with attractive looking cobwebs draped over the leaves adding to its character. Makes an excellent architectural border plant. Height: 45-60cm (18-24in)

Dahlia variabilis ‘Pompone Mixed’

Give your garden a vibrant splash of late summer colour with Dahlia ‘Pompone Mixed’. The small but perfectly formed flower heads create a wonderful colour mix that give borders a lovely vintage feel.

Dahlia variabilis ‘Dwarf Mixed’

Vivid, large single and semi-double 8cm (3in) flowers. Neat, mound shaped bushes achieving a memorable main bedding display

Pea ‘Rondo’ (Maincrop)

An excellent, high quality, double podded variety, Pea Rondo is guaranteed to out perform ‘Onwardin every way. One of the best cropping varieties in trials, Pea Rondo produces rich green, straight, long pods containing on average 10 deliciously plump peas. Wrinkle (Main). Resistant to Fusarium Race 1. Suitable For Freezing.

Metal Spike Base For Garden Sprinkler

Pocket Soil Thermometer