Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Potentilla ‘Helen Jane’

Monstera deliciosa (House Plant)

Instantly recognisable for its lustrous, dark green, heart-shaped leaves with their characteristic splits. The holes appear as the leaves grow, creating a palm-like effect and giving it the common name of Swiss Cheese Plant. This climbing plant is best trained ion to a moss pole.

Foxglove ‘Apricot’

Foxglove ‘Apricot’ is a pretty variety with muted apricot tones that effortlessly blend into almost any colour scheme. It bears its tall flower spikes in early summer, above rosettes of coarse green foliage. Digitalis thrives in light shade, making it particularly useful for planting among deciduous trees. Although a relatively short-lived perennial, Foxglove purpurea ‘Apricot’

Fuchsia ‘Riccartonii’ (Hardy)

Fuchsia ?Riccartonii? is hardy variety that will return year after year. In summer the branching stems drip with single blooms that boast dark purple petals and scarlet outer sepals.

Heuchera ‘Caramel’

An exceptionally pretty cultivar with rather unusual colouring that makes it really stand out from the crowd! The young foliage of Heuchera ‘Caramel’ emerges a muted shade of red which slowly matures to copper and gold. The autumnal shades of this evergreen perennial persist all year round.

Geranium pratense ‘Splish Splash™’

No wonder Geranium pratense striatum ?Splish Splash? is one of our customer favourites! This enthralling cranesbill has unusual white flowers splashed with lavender blue; each flower head looks individually designed and painted. This striking herbaceous perennial makes a fascinating plant for the front of borders, thriving in almost any situation.

Euphorbia x martini ‘Ascot Rainbow’

If you are looking for a perennial for an area with low rainfall and dry soils, Euphorbia x martini ‘Ascot Rainbow’ is a great choice due to its strong drought tolerance. The vibrant foliage has a pink tinge in winter and in spring it has small, chartreuse green flowers, with dark centres, near the tip

Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’

This well-known variety is grown for its beautiful semi-evergreen foliage. Each beetroot-purple leaf is overlaid with a silvery sheen and dark pewter veins.

Dryopteris erythrosora

This semi-evergreen fern produces airy, coppery-pink fronds that mature to light green as they grow. The elegant foliage makes forms a neat clump that makes beautiful ground cover when planted en masse in woodland areas.

Dryopteris Affinis (House Plant)

Create a stunning display of architectural fronds in your home with this superb showcase plant. Dryopteris affinis, or the Golden Shield Fern, can grow its fronds up to 1m (39) tall, each on a bright yellow-green when they are young, maturing to a deeper, rich green.

Eryngium planum

Commonly known as Sea Holly, this thistle-like perennial produces upright, branching stems of thimble-sized, steel-blue flowers surrounded by spiny bracts. From July to early autumn, these long-lasting blooms provide a valuable source of nectar for butterflies and pollinating insects.

Knautia macedonica

One of the finest perennials for the border we have seen. It has a very long season of flowering lasting well into the autumn and early winter. The dense, double, pin cushion scabious like flowers are a brilliantly strong cherry red, a rare colour in border flowers. Makes a large, neat, rounded bushy plant producing

Miscanthus sinensis ‘Strictus’

Miscanthus sinesis ‘Strictus’ is a deciduous perennial grass that makes a fine ornamental feature in borders, adding height, colour and texture to planting schemes. Slender leaves with a spiky, upright habit are intersected by prominent gold bands.

Shasta Daisy ‘Silver Princess’

Perfect in their simplicity, the pure white single flowers of this compact Shasta daisy are produced in constant supply throughout summer.

Euphorbia x martini

This compact Spurge forms a rounded mound of slender, dark, grey-green foliage that makes a neat and tidy addition to the garden. From early spring to July, panicles of acid-green flowers, with contrasting red eyes, make an eye-catching display.

Lupin ‘Gallery Yellow’ (Gallery Series)

Most Lupins are resigned to the back of borders, due to their height and stature. The Gallery Series changes that, bringing a strong vertical presence right to the front of your planting scheme.

Gypsophila paniculata ‘Double Snowflake’

A florists’ favourite made even better! Showy double blooms bring bigger impact when kept in the garden or added to cut flower displays.

Heuchera ‘Silver Scrolls’

Young leaves emerge as burgundy overlaid with an etching of silvery veins. As the season progresses, the neat clumps of foliage gradually mature to near black in colour, whilst retaining their silver tracery.

Campanula poscharskyana

Commonly known as the Serbian Bellflower, Campanula poscharskyana forms a creeping mat of lax stems that are smothered in violet blue, star shaped flowers late spring to August. This low growing hardy perennial has a spreading habit that makes superb groundcover in rockeries and gravel gardens, or spilling over low walls.

Salvia ‘Hot Lips’

For eye-catching colour in your summer borders or patio containers look no further than the Salvia jamensis ‘Hot Lips’. This beautiful, bushy perennial has the most delightful open-mouthed red and white bicolour blooms which when the weather is very hot will erupt into colours of solid red and solid white flowers. Savia microphylla ‘Hot Lips’