Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’

Chamomile is well known for its cheerful daisy-like blooms and Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’ is a particular favourite. It has masses of lemon-yellow and white blooms which smother the low-growing herbaceous perennial all summer long. Gradually spreading to form clumps, this chamomile plant also has the added attraction of being aromatic. It is a pretty

Centaurea montana

Centaurea montana is a stunning meadow and woodland plant which has violet blue flowers in the early summer.

Foxglove ‘Summer King’

Commonly known as the Strawberry Foxglove. This very compact variety produces neat flower spikes with huge, eye-catching strawberry-rose bells. A vigorous variety which is sure to make any early season garden shine, as well as attracting nectar-loving bees. Digitalis Summer King is a naturally occurring cross between the yellow-flowered Digitalis grandiflora and lavender-rose-flowered Digitalis purpurea

Phlox subulata ‘Candy Stripe’

Often sold by the name ?Candy Stripes, Phlox subulata ‘Tamaongalei’ is a pretty variety and deservedly popular. The white petals and broadly striped with a soft pink, often completely smothering the foliage in spring.

Vinca major ‘Variegata’

Vinca major ‘Variegata’ certainly lives up to its name, with outstanding evergreen variegated foliage; each deep green leaf features a fabulous contrasting creamy white margin. Also known as Variegated Greater Periwinkle, this plant is just as vigorous as Vinca minor but less aggressive. Used as a groundcover perennial, this variety is the ideal choice for

Agastache rugosa ‘Golden Jubilee’

Attractive, golden-green foliage with a distinct aniseed fragrance, making a vibrant contrast to the compact lavender-blue flower spikes. Adds interest to borders and containers, as well as attracts wildlife to your garden. Fragrant and excellent in borders or containers.

Campanula lactiflora ‘Loddon Anna’

A particularly pretty variety of the Milky Bellflower that deserves a place in every cottage garden border! Campanula lactiflora ‘Loddon Anna’ forms a clump of tall, branching flower stems. The pale pink blooms are borne in large clusters that create a gentle, billowing feel in borders.

Anemone hupehensis var. japonica ‘Prinz Heinrich’

There are few flowers more stunning than the deep pink, semi-double blooms of the Chinese Anemone when they appear in July, August and September. The colour of the rolled petals fades to a pretty, pale pink as the season progresses, providing the perfect counterpart to the hardy perennial’s dark green leaves. Bees and butterflies agree,

Coreopsis verticillata ‘Zagreb’

Coreopsis verticillata ‘Zagreb’ is an award-winning, hardy perennial. Its coveted RHS AGM means it is reliable, and suitable for growing in many areas of the UK. Coreopsis is an excellent choice for wildlife gardens, much-loved by bees and butterflies. ‘Zagreb’ bears masses of 2.5cm (1) yellow daisy flowers throughout the summer. This compact variety makes

Foxglove lanata

Foxglove lanata, the Grecian Foxglove, is understated, reserved ? and rarely seen in UK gardens. This unusual Foxglove produces fawn-coloured flowers, heavily patterned with intricate, dark brown veins. Its stems and foliage are covered with fine, downy hairs, leading to this plant also being known as the Woolly Foxglove. A compact hardy perennial, Foxglove lanata

Salvia ‘Hot Lips’

For eye-catching colour in your summer borders or patio containers look no further than the Salvia jamensis ‘Hot Lips’. This beautiful, bushy perennial has the most delightful open-mouthed red and white bicolour blooms which when the weather is very hot will erupt into colours of solid red and solid white flowers. Savia microphylla ‘Hot Lips’

Campanula poscharskyana

Commonly known as the Serbian Bellflower, Campanula poscharskyana forms a creeping mat of lax stems that are smothered in violet blue, star shaped flowers late spring to August. This low growing hardy perennial has a spreading habit that makes superb groundcover in rockeries and gravel gardens, or spilling over low walls.

Dianthus ‘Tickled Pink’

The blooms of Tulip ‘Promiss’ have the appearance of glorious English roses. The sumptuous blooms are certainly different from anything you’ll see in any garden or florists. Height: 60cm (24).Spread 10cm (4). Bulb size 12/14.

Coreopsis ‘Golden Joy’

Wonderful golden yellow semi-double flowers on bushy, compact plants.

Agapanthus ‘Charlotte’

Agapanthus ‘Charlotte’ has a neat, compact habit – large enough to create a showy feature, but not so tall that it looks leggy! Rounded heads of deep blue, star-shaped flowers are produced in abundance throughout the summer months, often extending into early autumn.

Potentilla nepalensis ‘Miss Wilmott’

This charming little Cinquifoil forms a neat mound at the front of borders. From early summer it sends up saucer-shaped, pink flowers with a darker red centre, upon slender, branching stems. Potentilla nepalensis ‘Miss Wilmott’ is a trouble-free hardy perennial.

Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae

Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae is an evergreen perennial that thrives in the dappled shade of deciduous trees, even coping with those tricky areas of dry shade.

Hosta ‘Great Expectations’

Charles Dickens himself would have been delighted to learn that his classic novel shares its name with this fantastic hardy perennial. Hosta ‘Great Expectations’ has stiff, heart shaped foliage, the variegated leaves of which consist of splashes of yellow and green. This variety of Plantain Lily is early to flower, producing bell-shaped blooms of a

Lupin ‘Noble Maiden’

The traditional beloved Lupin is a must for every cottage garden. Strikingly elegant, the Lupin ‘Noble Maiden’ provides stunning vertical displays of pure white blooms which tower above clumps of palmate leafage. Lupin ‘Noble Maiden’ is the perfect choice for bringing a splash of cool colour to dappled areas of woodland gardens. Height: 90cm (36).

Lithodora diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’

Perfect for a rockery or the front of a sunny border, Lithodora ‘Heavenly Blue’ is a mass of pretty star-shaped royal blue flowers throughout late spring and summer. It is low growing with evergreen foliage and soon spreads to cover a wide area. It is easy to grow and has the RHS Award of Garden