Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Rustic Stone Planter 44cm

Erodium reichardii ‘White’

This pretty, free-flowering alpine is a delightful choice for long-flowering containers and troughs or to soften border edges and rockeries.

Olive Bowl Planter 30cm – Green

Erysimum cheiri Golden Gem

Perennial wallflowers are some of the longest flowering plants available, offering continual colour from spring until late summer.

Eryngium variifolium Miss Marbel

Sea hollies are wonderful for adding architecture amongst the soft peaks and troughs of other border perennials.

Gaillardia aristata African Sunset

Bathe in the sunset hues of this unstoppable Gaillardia from late spring until autumn.

Gaillardia aristata Giant hybrids

Sizzling in orange, gold and burgundy, with bi-colours included, these Gaillardia ‘Giant Hybrids’ really turn up the heat in borders.

Large Squat Plastic Container Plant Pot 10lt

Large Squat Plastic Container Plant Pot 12lt

Large Squat Plastic Container Plant Pot 15lt

Large Squat Plastic Container Plant Pot 20lt

Large Squat Plastic Container Plant Pot 25lt

Nepeta faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’

Bay Double Twisted Stem Tree

Spring Flowering Bulb Mix

Spice up your spring garden for year after year with this bumper collection of four unusual but stunning perennial bulbs.

Erigeron karvinskianus

Flowering all the way from May until the first frosts, this ground-covering daisy is a superb choice for edging borders, filling wall and paving cracks, lining steps or planting in rockeries.

Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii (House Plant)

Commonly known as String of Hearts and it?s easy to see why! The long, trailing stems are adorned with evergreen heart-shaped leaves ? each variegated with silver and green above and dark purple undersides.

Fuchsia ‘Swingtime’

Large, double white frilled skirts that contrast beautifully with bold red sepals. Fill your hanging baskets, window boxes, Flower Pouches® and containers with this kaleidoscope of colourful trailing fuchsias. An abundance of vibrant, double blooms are borne on gently cascading stems, all summer long. Height: 30cm (12). Spread: 45cm (18).

Clematis ‘Nelly Moser’

Clematis ‘Nelly Moser’ is arguably the most distinctive variety of Old Man’s Beard. Its delicate, pale pink flowers with their distinctive darker stripe are sure to turn heads in spring, then again in September. What’s more, there’s more drama when the flowers are over, thanks to their distinguished seed heads. This hardy climber is particularly

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Miss Saori’

Be one of the first to grow the Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Year Hydrangea ‘Miss Saori’. This show-stopping variety like no other Hydrangea, with blooms that are not only 2-tiered, but each petal also carries a unique frosted edge. An incredibly handsome shrub for patio containers or the border, and loves the UK