Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Tomato ‘Marmande’

Tomato ?Marmande? is the classic beefsteak tomato with large, gently ribbed fruits of deep red.

Geranium Cloud Collection

Geranium ?Cloud? Collection contains two rewarding hardy geranium varieties which will quickly fill gaps in mixed borders or provide colourful ground cover.

Tomato ‘Rosella’

A fabulous new cherry tomato producing unique rose-pink skin with smoky overtones.

Sweet Pepper ‘Beluga Lilac’ (Grafted)

Sweet Pepper ?Beluga Lilac? bears high yields of delicious peppers which are a gorgeous deep purple when young maturing to deep red.

Begonia ‘Parisienne Upright’

Compact and sturdy, Begonia ?Parisienne Upright? is brilliant for pots, hanging baskets and window boxes as well as garden bedding.

Watermelon ‘Ingrid’ (Grafted)

Watermelon ?Ingrid? produces high yields of early maturing oval melons weighing 2-3kg with a high sugar content.

Cabbage ‘Kilazol’ F1

Cabbage ‘Kilazol’ F1 is a high quality, ball-headed white cabbage producing heads between 1.5-2.5kg.

Aubergine ‘Meatball’ (Grafted)

Aubergine ?Meatball? really is the meatiest of aubergines.

Cucumber ‘Socrates’ (Grafted)

Cucumber ?Socrates? is an RHS award-winning, all female variety.

Broccoli ‘Monclano’ F1 Hybrid (Calabrese)

Grow Broccoli Monclano F1 this season and say goodbye to crop diseases

Tomato ‘Sugar Plum Raisin’ (Grafted)

As their name suggests, Tomato ?Sugar Plum Raisin? are absolutely packed with sweetness.

Tomato ‘Flamingo’

Tomato ?Flamingo? is a mini plum tomato bearing 20g fruits with cherry pink skin and an exceptionally sweet flavour.

Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia Mia’

From early summer all the way into autumn, Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia Mia’ produces a stunning display of abundant, bi-coloured flowers that are yellow on the outside and deep red on the inside.

Delphinium ‘Red Lark’

Delphinium ?Red Lark? is a strikingly unusual flower colour bearing bright, salmon-red, semi-double flowers.

Chilli Pepper ‘Medina’ F1 (Grafted)

Chilli Pepper ?Medina? F1 (Grafted) is a small, upright plant producing long, tapering chillies which mature to vibrant red.

Geranium ‘Tall Dark & Handsome Orange’

Geranium ?Tall Dark & Handsome Orange? is a striking pelargonium with intense orange flowers which give bright pops of colour against complementary dark foliage with a brighter green margin.

Crocosmia ‘Harlequin’

Crocosmia ?Harlequin? is a striking addition to a hot colour scheme.

Tomato ‘Premio’ (Grafted)

Tomato ?Premio? is a vigorous tomato showing good resistance to blight, mosaic virus, Verticillium and Fusarium Wilt.

Philadelphus ‘Fragrant Falls’

Philadelphus ?Fragrant Falls? is a new variety noted for the especially arching habit of its branches.

Grafted Tomato ‘Giulietta F1’

‘Guiletta’ F1 is a grafted Italian plum tomato giving high yields of large, juicy fruit from July to September.