Category Archives: Plants & Seeds
Fuchsia ‘Marble Orange King’
Osteospermum ‘Tresco Purple’ (Hardy)
Calibrachoa ‘Million Bells Blue’
Sweet Potato ‘Beauregard Improved’
Introduced from a virus free clone, Sweet Potato ‘Beauregard Improved’ has been phenomenally popular as it is similar to the tubers on supermarket shelves. Tubers tend to be smaller Sweet Potato ‘T65′ but have the same distinctive salmon-orange flesh with a sweeter more pronounced flavour. Spread: up to 3m (9’).
Busy Lizzie ‘Vitara Mixed’ Pre-Planted Basket
A dazzling display of flowers in a bright colour mix that will last all summer! Busy Lizzie ‘Vitara Mixed’ are from the latest Impatiens breeding programmes with built-in resistance to downy mildew. Thriving in sun or shade, they make the perfect choice for brightening every corner or your summer garden.
Pumpkin ‘Dill’s Atlantic Giant’
Tomato ‘Crimson Crush’ (Grafted)
Horseradish Root
The essential accompaniment to roast beef – nothing beats the bite of your own freshly grated horseradish root. Horseradish is a vigorous perennial herb that will return year after year for an increasing supply of hot, tangy roots. These thongs are quick to establish and easy to grow, requiring little aftercare. When planted in ideal
Swede ‘Tweed’
Fuchsia ‘Happy Birthday’ (Hardy)
Grafted Tomato Plant ‘Gardener’s Delight’
If you are of the opinion that tomatoes have lost their flavour then you will certainly enjoy the true tangy flavour of Tomato ‘Gardener’s Delight’. This cordon variety has long been a favourite for its trusses of particularly flavoursome, bite-sized cherry tomatoes that are ideal for adding to salads and sandwiches.
Butternut Squash ‘Crown Prince’
Squash ‘Mashed Potatoes’ (Winter)
Cauliflower ‘Clapton’ F1 Hybrid (Summer/Autumn)
Over 18 years of conventional breeding have been invested in this clubroot resistant variety. Cauliflower ‘Clapton’ is the first cauliflower with resistance to this devastating brassica disease. Depending on its sowing time this versatile variety matures from late summer to late autumn, producing large, excellent flavoured, solid, deep white heads of uniform quality. Height: 45cm